Forum Discussion

nbustarter380's avatar
10 years ago

Aix client backup getting code 14

Hi All,

We have a Aix server whose backup is consistanly getting a 14, I setup a bpbkar log and viewed it.  I have just a portion of it below where the backup is getting a exit status of 14

I believe the issue is a journal.v1.dat file is there anyway to verify this?


8:00:51.499 [1028250] <4> ct_logfiles_add: add log file:curr=/usr/openv/netbackup/track/nbv40w1/nbv40w1/

e.nj.us_1423522807 prev=/usr/openv/netbackup/track/nbv40w1/nbv40w1/

18:00:51.500 [1028250] <4> ct_cat_open: successfully open cur /usr/openv/netbackup/track/nbv40w1/nbv40w1/

e.nj.us_1423522807  and  pre /usr/openv/netbackup/track/nbv40w1/nbv40w1/ .

18:00:51.929 [385146] <16> bpbkar: ERR - read server exit status = 14: file write failed

18:00:51.934 [557204] <4> bpbkar main: real locales <en_US en_US C en_US en_US en_US>

18:00:51.934 [557204] <4> bpbkar main: standardized locales - mnt_lc_messages <en_US> mnt_lc_ctype <en_US> mnt_lc_time <en_US> mnt_lc_collate <en_US> mnt_lc_numeric <en_US>

18:00:51.935 [557204] <2> bpbkar main: create backup id list: p7nvc.msss.xxxx.xxx_1423004406,p7nvc.msss.xxxx.xxx_1423436405,p7nvc.msss.xxxx.xxx_1423350005,p7nvc.msss.xxxx.xxx_





18:00:51.935 [557204] <4> bpbkar main: For accelerator, we will be using both the 'mtime' and 'ctime' for incrementals, the current configuration is : 0, will be set to 1.

18:00:51.935 [557204] <2> logparams: bpbkar -r 2678400 -ru root -dt 86701 -to 0 -bpstart_time 1423523110 -clnt -class -sched incremental -st INCR -bpst

art_to 2500 -bpend_to 2500 -read_to 6000 -stream_count 11 -stream_number 7 -jobgrpid 29891 -blks_per_buffer 512 -tir -tir_plus -use_otm -fso -b p7nvc.msss.xxxx.xxx_1423522809 -kl 28 -fscp -S nbv40w1

-storagesvr nbv40w1 -bidlist bid@p7nvc.msss.xxxx.xxx_p7nvc.msss.xxxx.xxx_1423522809 -use_ofb

18:00:51.979 [385146] <4> ct_logfiles_deleteall: unlink log files /usr/openv/netbackup/track/nbv40w1/nbv40w1/

log.020915 (27%)


18:00:50.481 [868588] <4> bpbkar: INF - Estimate:-1 -1

18:00:50.497 [385146] <16> bpbkar: ERR - Cannot write to tir_info_file, fd is NULL.

18:00:50.498 [385146] <16> bpbkar: ERR - bpbkar FATAL exit status = 14: file write failed

18:00:50.498 [385146] <4> bpbkar: INF - EXIT STATUS 14: file write failed

18:00:50.481 [868588] <4> bpbkar: INF - Estimate:-1 -1

18:00:50.497 [385146] <16> bpbkar: ERR - Cannot write to tir_info_file, fd is NULL.

18:00:50.498 [385146] <16> bpbkar: ERR - bpbkar FATAL exit status = 14: file write failed

18:00:50.498 [385146] <4> bpbkar: INF - EXIT STATUS 14: file write failed

18:00:50.621 [868588] <2> bpbkar add_to_filelist: starting sizeof(filelistrec) <128>

18:00:50.621 [868588] <4> bpbkar: INF - Throttle duration required = 512 usec.

18:00:50.623 [868588] <4> bpbkar: start to backup filelist / ,nb_fscp_enabled is 1

18:00:50.623 [868588] <4> bpbkar: INF - Processing /

18:00:50.623 [868588] <4> bpbkar: filelist /,is folder traclog path is /_track_log_root_.

18:00:50.623 [868588] <2> ct_cat_close: close current track journal

18:00:50.623 [868588] <2> ct_cat_close: close previous track journal

18:00:50.623 [868588] <2> mkdir_p: make dir(/usr/openv/netbackup/track/nbv40w1/nbv40w1/ result(0)

18:00:50.623 [868588] <2> ct_set_fs_ops: successfully call ct_set_fs_ops

18:00:50.623 [868588] <2> ct_tmpfile_clean: open dir(/usr/openv/netbackup/track/nbv40w1/nbv40w1/, result(1)

18:00:50.623 [868588] <2> ct_tmpfile_clean: keep file(.)

18:00:50.623 [868588] <2> ct_tmpfile_clean: keep file(..)

18:00:50.623 [868588] <2> ct_tmpfile_clean: keep file(track_journal.v1.dat)

18:00:50.638 [868588] <4> ct_cat_open: waiting to lock current track log

18:00:50.638 [868588] <4> ct_cat_open: lock current track log: success

18:00:50.638 [868588] <4> ct_logfiles_add: add log file:curr=/usr/openv/netbackup/track/nbv40w1/nbv40w1/

.msss.xxxx.xxx_1423522805 prev=/usr/openv/netbackup/track/nbv40w1/nbv40w1/

18:00:50.638 [868588] <4> ct_cat_open: successfully open cur /usr/openv/netbackup/track/nbv40w1/nbv40w1/

log.020915 (12%)



8:11:10.206 [1089596] <16> bpbkar: ERR - Cannot write to tir_info_file, fd is NULL.

18:11:10.206 [1089596] <16> bpbkar: ERR - bpbkar FATAL exit status = 14: file write failed

18:11:10.206 [1089596] <4> bpbkar: INF - EXIT STATUS 14: file write failed

18:11:11.334 [1089596] <16> bpbkar: ERR - read server exit status = 14: file write failed

18:11:11.348 [1089596] <2> ct_cat_close: close current track journal

18:11:11.348 [1089596] <2> ct_cat_close: close previous track journal

18:11:11.360 [1089596] <4> ct_logfiles_deleteall: unlink log files /usr/openv/netbackup/track/nbv40w1/nbv40w1/


18:11:11.360 [1089596] <4> ct_logfiles_deleteall: finish logfiles delete/rename

18:11:11.360 [1089596] <4> ct_manage: state(1) != CT_SUCCESS, returning

18:11:11.360 [1089596] <2> ct_fini: fini is called

18:11:11.360 [1089596] <4> bpbkar: INF - setenv FINISHED=0

23:31:29.157 [1167384] <4> is_excluded: Excluded /p7nvc/AllPreMoveBackups/p7nvc/filesystems-on-p7nvc/usr/ora/1110/product/11.1.0/db_1/.patch_storage/12419384_Jul_11_2011_02_07_14/backup/sysman/admin/emdrep/s

ql/core by exclude_list entry core

23:31:35.486 [1167384] <4> is_excluded: Excluded /p7nvc/AllPreMoveBackups/p7nvc/filesystems-on-p7nvc/usr/ora/1110/product/11.1.0/db_1/.patch_storage/12419384_Jul_11_2011_02_07_14/files/sysman/admin/emdrep/sq

l/core by exclude_list entry core

23:31:39.799 [1167384] <4> is_excluded: Excluded /p7nvc/AllPreMoveBackups/p7nvc/filesystems-on-p7nvc/usr/ora


Aix 6.1 server

NBU client level

Thanks for any help/advice


  • This has been going on since 12 Feb - almost 3 weeks and 31 comments later.

    We have not been able to help you to fix this. 

    If the new policy fails, please log a Support call with Symantec.


    I was looking for more than just part of the schedule ....... was looking for entire policy config.

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