Forum Discussion

richs24's avatar
Level 4
14 years ago

altpath query

Hi all,

i have a query relating to altpath, when it's been used to move the image database for a particular client.

In our situation, for some reason, netbackup was installed to the C:\, and when it started to fill up, instead of moving netbackup onto another drive straight away, they decided to try and just keep moving certain image catalogs using the altpath file.

Now the situation is such that we have no other option other than to move off the C:, so my question is this.

when we move off the C: to our new drive, we will be copying the images over to the new install.  At this point, should we keep the altpath in place for the image databases that have been moved, or is it possible to consolidate them all on the new drive?  (by just removing the altpath and copying the image files back)

the process we are using to do the move is, but it doesnt mention the images databases, so i thought i would question it.

We are using windows 2003 and netbackup 6.5.6


  • If you move the images back to netbackup\db\images\client  folder you don't need altpath.

    The only function of the altpath file is to point to the new location of the client's image. If the file does not exist, NBU will look for images in netbackup\db\images\client.

3 Replies

  • found the bit about images being moved in the doc, but the query about altpath still stands! 

  • If you move the images back to netbackup\db\images\client  folder you don't need altpath.

    The only function of the altpath file is to point to the new location of the client's image. If the file does not exist, NBU will look for images in netbackup\db\images\client.

  • thanks, thats what i thought, but someone in the team said that Symantec said we couldnt move them??!