Logs for successful replicate
May 19 18:06:58 INFO [0000000001BB0090]: WSRequestExt: submitting &request=9&login=admindrc&passwd=********&action=getSDKVersion
May 19 18:06:58 INFO [0000000001BB0090]: sessionStartAgent: Server is Version 8.0101.0015.013, Protocol Version
May 19 18:06:58 INFO [0000000001BB0090]: WSRequestExt: submitting &request=6&login=admindrc&passwd=********&action=getlastimage&dsid=2&client=pkpssaga_hq&policy=Level0_Backup
May 19 18:06:58 INFO [0000000001BB0090]: Empty source FP f1450306517624a57eafbbf81266a67a met, skip it.
May 19 18:06:58 INFO [0000000001BB0090]: sessionStartAgent: Server is Version 8.0101.0015.013, Protocol Version
May 19 18:06:58 INFO [0000000001BB0090]: Starting replication with a bandwidth limit of 0 KB/s
May 19 18:06:58 INFO [0000000001BB0090]: sessionStartAgent: Server is Version 8.0101.0015.013, Protocol Version
May 19 18:07:00 INFO [0000000001BB0090]: This replication job is currently using a bandwidth limit of 0 KB/s, 11 SOs has been sent in current batch.
May 19 18:07:44 INFO [0000000001ABE4E0]: === Replication Monitor ===
May 19 18:07:44 INFO [0000000001ABE4E0]: Job ID: 10, Target: pdde://pkpsbackup_drc, Segments Processed: 205145, Age: 45.937 seconds
May 19 18:07:44 INFO [0000000001ABE4E0]: There are 1 replication jobs currently running and 0 jobs waiting in the queue
May 19 18:07:44 INFO [0000000001ABE4E0]: =============================
May 19 18:08:03 INFO [0000000001BB0090]: This replication job is currently using a bandwidth limit of 0 KB/s, 1 SOs has been sent in current batch.
May 19 18:08:03 INFO [0000000001BB0090]: ---------------------------------------------------
May 19 18:08:03 INFO [0000000001BB0090]: Transfer time : 64.52 sec
May 19 18:08:03 INFO [0000000001BB0090]: Transfer rate : 402.33 MB/sec
May 19 18:08:03 INFO [0000000001BB0090]: De-dup percentage : 100.00
May 19 18:08:03 INFO [0000000001BB0090]: Total number of DOs to replicate : 11
May 19 18:08:03 INFO [0000000001BB0090]: Total size of all DOs to replicate : 27217764585 bytes
May 19 18:08:03 INFO [0000000001BB0090]: Total size of all segments that were sent : 905315 bytes
May 19 18:08:03 INFO [0000000001BB0090]: Number of segments : 208509
May 19 18:08:03 INFO [0000000001BB0090]: Number of segments sent : 12
May 19 18:08:03 INFO [0000000001BB0090]: Details:
May 19 18:08:03 INFO [0000000001BB0090]: -----------Replication Last Image Cache Report-----------------
May 19 18:08:03 INFO [0000000001BB0090]: Total cache entry: 0
May 19 18:08:03 INFO [0000000001BB0090]: Cache Hits : 0
May 19 18:08:03 INFO [0000000001BB0090]: Cache Miss : 208629
May 19 18:08:03 INFO [0000000001BB0090]: Cache Rebase : 0
May 19 18:08:03 INFO [0000000001BB0090]: -----------------------End-------------------------------------
Logs for failed replication
May 19 18:26:58 INFO [0000000001BB0090]: WSRequestExt: submitting &request=6&login=admindrc&passwd=********&action=getlastimage&dsid=2&client=pkpssaga_hq&policy=Level0_Backup
May 19 18:26:58 INFO [0000000001BB0090]: Empty source FP f1450306517624a57eafbbf81266a67a met, skip it.
May 19 18:26:58 INFO [0000000001BB0090]: sessionStartAgent: Server is Version 8.0101.0015.013, Protocol Version
May 19 18:26:58 INFO [0000000001BB0090]: sessionStartAgent: Server is Version 8.0101.0015.013, Protocol Version
May 19 18:27:44 INFO [0000000001ABE4E0]: === Replication Monitor ===
May 19 18:27:44 INFO [0000000001ABE4E0]: Job ID: 11, Target: pdde://pkpsbackup_drc, Segments Processed: 0, Age: 46.578 seconds
May 19 18:27:44 INFO [0000000001ABE4E0]: There are 1 replication jobs currently running and 0 jobs waiting in the queue
May 19 18:27:44 INFO [0000000001ABE4E0]: =============================
May 19 18:28:53 INFO [0000000001BB0090]: CRAnalyzeDoLocality: rebasing has been disable.
May 19 18:28:53 INFO [0000000001BB0090]: CRAnalyzeDoLocality: FP number in image: 208497
May 19 18:28:53 INFO [0000000001BB0090]: Starting replication with a bandwidth limit of 0 KB/s
May 19 18:28:53 INFO [0000000001BB0090]: sessionStartAgent: Server is Version 8.0101.0015.013, Protocol Version
May 19 18:28:54 ERR [0000000001BB0090]: 36: _crBinaryMessageSend2: Error sending data: connection reset by peer
May 19 18:28:54 ERR [0000000001BB0090]: 36: __process_refop_batch: could not send reference message(s): connection reset by peer
May 19 18:28:54 ERR [0000000001BB0090]: -1: __process_refop_batch: Could not send reference message: connection reset by peer
May 19 18:28:54 ERR [0000000001BB0090]: 36: CRReplicate: reference operation batch failed at DO 90f72f1bac130fbd44bf8954435e9d47:65
May 19 18:28:54 INFO [0000000001BB0090]: -----------Replication Last Image Cache Report-----------------
May 19 18:28:54 INFO [0000000001BB0090]: Total cache entry: 208121
May 19 18:28:54 INFO [0000000001BB0090]: Cache Hits : 208497
May 19 18:28:54 INFO [0000000001BB0090]: Cache Miss : 1
May 19 18:28:54 INFO [0000000001BB0090]: Cache Rebase : 0
May 19 18:28:54 INFO [0000000001BB0090]: -----------------------End-------------------------------------
May 19 18:28:54 ERR [0000000001BB0090]: 36: Puredisk::Replication::Engine::ReplicationThread::_forwardFingerprintBatch: CRReplicate of batch failed (connection reset by peer).
May 19 18:28:54 ERR [0000000001BB0090]: 36: Puredisk::Replication::Engine::ReplicationThread::_forwardDataList: forward fingerprints failed (connection reset by peer).
May 19 18:28:54 ERR [0000000001BB0090]: 36: _crBinaryMessageSend2: Error sending data: connection reset by peer
May 19 18:28:54 ERR [0000000001BB0090]: 36: Synchronization to pkpsbackup_drc failed (connection reset by peer).
May 19 18:28:54 ERR [0000000001BB0090]: 36: _crBinaryMessageSend2: Error sending data: connection reset by peer
May 19 18:28:54 WARNING [0000000001BB0090]: 36: Pd_ReplicationClass::ClientTask: failed at the 1 time for job[11d] (connection reset by peer)
i see that it try to request for last image being transfer, if there is not image previously being replicate, the replication will be successful, but when there is a valid last image, then the replication will failed
what is the target MSDP try to send back to source MSDP for the full communication to work so the replication will be proceed
anyone ?