Backup failure with error code 636
On a server 4 streams are running for C:\ D:\ shadows copy and all local drives among which shadow copy is failing continously with error code 636.
10/07/2014 02:08:18 - Info bpbrm (pid=29405) nmcstraining is the host to backup data from
10/07/2014 02:08:19 - Info bpbrm (pid=29405) reading file list from client
10/07/2014 02:10:13 - Info bpbrm (pid=29405) starting bpbkar on client
10/07/2014 02:11:13 - Info bpbkar (pid=1984) Backup started
10/07/2014 02:11:13 - Info bpbrm (pid=29405) bptm pid: 29531
10/07/2014 02:11:14 - Info bptm (pid=29531) start
10/07/2014 02:11:18 - Info bptm (pid=29531) using 262144 data buffer size
10/07/2014 02:11:18 - Info bptm (pid=29531) using 30 data buffers
10/07/2014 02:11:23 - Info bptm (pid=29531) start backup
10/07/2014 02:11:35 - Info bptm (pid=29531) backup child process is pid 29560
10/07/2014 02:17:09 - Error bpbrm (pid=11841) could not write FILE ADDED message to OUTSOCK
10/07/2014 02:17:21 - Error bpbrm (pid=11841) could not write FILE ADDED message to OUTSOCK
10/07/2014 02:44:58 - Info nbjm (pid=10211) starting backup job (jobid=5194250) for client nmcstraining, policy PROD_REMOTE_NM_dalmedia19, schedule DLY_INCR
10/07/2014 02:44:58 - Info nbjm (pid=10211) requesting STANDARD_RESOURCE resources from RB for backup job (jobid=5194250, request id:{D5FC3560-4DF5-11E4-9775-AC38CE536ADD})
10/07/2014 02:44:58 - requesting resource stu_disk_dalmedia19
10/07/2014 02:44:58 - requesting resource nbutx2.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.nmcstraining
10/07/2014 02:44:58 - requesting resource nbutx2.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.PROD_REMOTE_NM_dalmedia19
10/07/2014 02:44:58 - granted resource nbutx2.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.nmcstraining
10/07/2014 02:44:58 - granted resource nbutx2.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.PROD_REMOTE_NM_dalmedia19
10/07/2014 02:44:58 - granted resource MediaID=@aaaeS;DiskVolume=PureDiskVolume;DiskPool=dp_disk_dalmedia19;Path=PureDiskVolume;StorageServer=dalmedia19;MediaServer=dalmedia19
10/07/2014 02:44:58 - granted resource stu_disk_dalmedia19
10/07/2014 02:44:58 - estimated 1265157 kbytes needed
10/07/2014 02:44:58 - Info nbjm (pid=10211) resumed backup (backupid=nmcstraining_1412659253) job for client nmcstraining, policy PROD_REMOTE_NM_dalmedia19, schedule DLY_INCR on storage unit stu_disk_dalmedia19
10/07/2014 02:45:03 - started process bpbrm (pid=29405)
10/07/2014 02:45:09 - connecting
10/07/2014 02:47:01 - connected; connect time: 0:00:00
10/07/2014 02:48:23 - begin writing
As always it depends, but would start with something like 600 or 900