Backup image expiration cannot be modified because its SLP processing is not yet complete
Hi there,
We found a really old catalog backup in the Catalog which should long be expired.
When trying to expire it in the GUI it says Backup image expiration cannot be modified because its SLP processing is not yet complete (1573).
Doing this from commandline it says about the same (of course).
When trying to cancel its replication it gives also an error:
# nbstlutil cancel -backupid <Imagename>
Operation not successful: status = 220 (database system error)
According to Marianne in a previous issue 220 means 'no image found'.
The image is still active in a way:
# nbstlutil list -backupid <Imagename>
V7.6.0 I <Masterserverhostname> <Imagename> <Masterserverhostname> 1384237218 prd-cat-netbackup_catalog 7 0 zm_catalog_slp 3 false 1384242929 *NULL* 1 {00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000} 0 0 1384237225
V7.6.0 C <Masterserverhostname> <Imagename> 1 2147483647 1385360418 <stuname> 1 0 0 0 0 *NULL* 2147483647 0 2147483647 0 0 0 1 1
V7.6.0 F <Masterserverhostname> <Imagename> 1 1 0 aaaa2 <Mediaserverhostname> *NULL* 0 6 1 3488240640 0 aaaa2 *NULL* 1;DataDomain;<>DDhostname>;<diskpoolname>;<lsuname>;0
Now I am kind of stuck.
We do root cause when a need for a SQL script comes up. Sometimes we're able to change the product so that either the situation won't arise, or NetBackup will be able to handle it.
With that in mind, I started searching our recent escalations for such a situation as yours. I found one that seems to match. (ET 3940173, Operation not successful: status = 220 (database system error))
Rather than a SQL script, this one gave a command option that worked for the customer. Try this:
>bpexpdate -backupid xxxxxxxxxxx -d 0 -force_not_complete
The report says that -force_not_complete allows expiration of incomplete SLP images.
BTW, status 220 doesn't always mean something not found - that's status 227. Often when a browse or bplist fails, NetBackup changes the 227 to 220.