Forum Discussion

Nayabsk's avatar
Level 6
8 years ago

Backup of ESXi machines registered to a different VC

Hi Experts, 

Can someone shed some light on my doubt.  We have two sites PROD & DR (STORAGE LEVEL REPLICATION) and DR to be a cold site where all the Machines remain powered off all the time. And this is a complete VM environment where we have two seperate VC at PROD and DR site. and we have a Master Server in PROD and NBU APPLIANCE(MEDIA SERVER) where all backup duplicated to DR site to another Media Server (NBU APPLIANCE).

My concern is my ESXi/VM's in PROD all registered to the Virtual Center in PROD and in the event of a DR excercise or REAL DR. We will turn on the VM's in the DR site and server the production and all these VM"s will be pre-registered to the VC in DR. And We will use the same clone copy of Master server from PROD to run backup/restore operations at DR.

I would like to know if this works 

1) As the Same VM's registered to PROD VC will be Registered to another VC in DR

2) Does NBU Master server will recognize these machine from seperate VC or it will throw any error as Master server catalog already has info of these machines from PROD ?





  • Assuming you are not using VMware Site replication manager.

    If all the VMs have the same name, depending on the NB version the backup will either fail because duplicate names exist or it will suceed and you don't know which VM was actually backed up.

    As you have two different backup host one for Prod and one for DR.

    What you need to do is setup an exclude, so that in prod we don't look at DR VC, and at DR we setup an exclude to not look at Prod VC.


  • IMHO, the big gap in your DR planning is the lack of a Master server at DR.

    In case of DR (i.e. real disaster where master and everything else at PROD is down, incl VC and all connected to it), you won't have a master server to worry about.

    You Appliance Media server should be a Master/media server with AIR used for replication.
    In this case, the DR master will have credentials to the DR VC.

  • IMHO, the big gap in your DR planning is the lack of a Master server at DR.

    In case of DR (i.e. real disaster where master and everything else at PROD is down, incl VC and all connected to it), you won't have a master server to worry about.

    You Appliance Media server should be a Master/media server with AIR used for replication.
    In this case, the DR master will have credentials to the DR VC.

  • Assuming you are not using VMware Site replication manager.

    If all the VMs have the same name, depending on the NB version the backup will either fail because duplicate names exist or it will suceed and you don't know which VM was actually backed up.

    As you have two different backup host one for Prod and one for DR.

    What you need to do is setup an exclude, so that in prod we don't look at DR VC, and at DR we setup an exclude to not look at Prod VC.