Forum Discussion

Gdd's avatar
Level 6
13 years ago

Backup of VM with Windows Dynamic Disks

Are there any restrictions for the VM with Windows Dynamic Disks in VMware environments:

I found nothing in the NetBackup documentation, but I see that a backup with the "Quiesce Virtual Machine Enabled" parameter fails.

  • Look out for this issue:


    During the Snapshot portion of a vStorage backup, a VM consisting of dynamic disk may attempt to mount additional disk on the virtual machine. Upon the completion of the snapshot, the added dynamic disk may remain on the VM and show up as missing via Disk Management.

  • Where did you see about that error? Missed that one. I believe it had an issue using VCB but not seen any errors about this related to the vSphere API backups - sure it would have made some headlines somewhere.

    I have seen this one but it is a little more specific in the use of the Dynamic Disks I believe

    In my experience I have not noticed any issues - hope this helps or re-assures you but please share the information you mention - Thanks

  • Backup fails with status 156, when "Quiesce Virtual Machine" =  "Enabled"


    30/01/2012 18:26:18 - Info nbjm(pid=4468) starting backup job (jobid=9579) for client SRV-W2K8R2-DATA, policy PL_VM_ALL, schedule Full  
    30/01/2012 18:26:18 - Info nbjm(pid=4468) requesting STANDARD_RESOURCE resources from RB for backup job (jobid=9579, request id:{711D9ADF-98AE-47A8-A51A-449B9B4CACF6})  
    30/01/2012 18:26:18 - requesting resource STU_Dedup
    30/01/2012 18:26:19 - begin Flash Backup Windows, Create Snapshot
    30/01/2012 18:26:19 - started process bpbrm (6544)
    30/01/2012 18:26:36 - Critical bpbrm(pid=6544) from client SRV-W2K8R2-DATA: FTL - snapshot creation failed, status 156   
    30/01/2012 18:26:36 - Warning bpbrm(pid=6544) from client SRV-W2K8R2-DATA: WRN - ALL_LOCAL_DRIVES is not frozen    
    30/01/2012 18:26:36 - Info bpfis(pid=6548) done. status: 156          
    30/01/2012 18:26:36 - end Flash Backup Windows, Create Snapshot; elapsed time: 00:00:17
    30/01/2012 18:26:36 - end writing Status 156
    30/01/2012 18:26:36 - end Flash Backup Windows, Start Notify Script; elapsed time: 00:00:18
    30/01/2012 18:26:37 - end Flash Backup Windows, End Notify Script; elapsed time: 00:00:00 Status 156
    30/01/2012 18:26:37 - end Flash Backup Windows, Delete Snapshot On Exit; elapsed time: 00:00:01 snapshot error encountered(156)
    30/01/2012 18:26:41 - Info bpfis(pid=0) done. status: 156: snapshot error encountered      


    But wihout "Quiesce Virtual Machine" =  "Disabled", or if I remove the "Dynamic Disk" job is successfull :


    30/01/2012 18:27:48 - Info nbjm(pid=4468) starting backup job (jobid=9580) for client SRV-W2K8R2-DATA, policy PL_VM_ALL, schedule Full  
    30/01/2012 18:27:48 - Info nbjm(pid=4468) requesting STANDARD_RESOURCE resources from RB for backup job (jobid=9580, request id:{001B4B7F-985E-4723-8E28-AD5D9C339501})  
    30/01/2012 18:27:48 - requesting resource STU_Dedup
    30/01/2012 18:27:48 - requesting resource srv-symnbu-vl1.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.SRV-W2K8R2-DATA
    30/01/2012 18:27:48 - requesting resource srv-symnbu-vl1.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.PL_VM_ALL
    30/01/2012 18:27:48 - granted resource srv-symnbu-vl1.NBU_CLIENT.MAXJOBS.SRV-W2K8R2-DATA
    30/01/2012 18:27:48 - granted resource srv-symnbu-vl1.NBU_POLICY.MAXJOBS.PL_VM_ALL
    30/01/2012 18:27:48 - granted resource MediaID=@aaaak;DiskVolume=PureDiskVolume;DiskPool=DP_Dedup;Path=PureDiskVolume;StorageServer=srv-symnbu-vl1;MediaServer=srv-symnbu-vl1
    30/01/2012 18:27:48 - granted resource STU_Dedup
    30/01/2012 18:27:49 - begin Create Snapshot
    30/01/2012 18:27:49 - Info bpfis(pid=6568) Backup started           
    30/01/2012 18:27:49 - snapshot backup of client SRV-W2K8R2-DATA using method VMware
    30/01/2012 18:27:49 - Info RUNCMD(pid=6488) started            
    30/01/2012 18:27:49 - Info RUNCMD(pid=6488) exiting with status: 0         
    Status 0
    30/01/2012 18:27:49 - end Create Snapshot; elapsed time: 00:00:00
    30/01/2012 18:27:49 - begin Flash Backup Windows, Step By Condition
    Status 0
    30/01/2012 18:27:49 - end Flash Backup Windows, Step By Condition; elapsed time: 00:00:00
    30/01/2012 18:27:49 - begin Flash Backup Windows, Read File List
    Status 0
    30/01/2012 18:27:49 - end Flash Backup Windows, Read File List; elapsed time: 00:00:00
    30/01/2012 18:27:49 - begin Flash Backup Windows, Create Snapshot
    30/01/2012 18:27:49 - started process bpbrm (6620)
    30/01/2012 18:27:57 - Info bpfis(pid=6568) done. status: 0          
    30/01/2012 18:27:57 - end Flash Backup Windows, Create Snapshot; elapsed time: 00:00:08
    30/01/2012 18:27:57 - end writing
    Status 0
    30/01/2012 18:27:57 - end Flash Backup Windows, Start Notify Script; elapsed time: 00:00:09
    30/01/2012 18:27:57 - begin Flash Backup Windows, Policy Execution Manager Preprocessed
    30/01/2012 18:28:02 - Info bpfis(pid=0) done. status: 0: the requested operation was successfully completed   


  • Thanks for that - very interesting What is logged on vCenter when the failure occurs? Also, do you have bpfis logging setup? I would like to see what is reported elsewhere
  • Look out for this issue:


    During the Snapshot portion of a vStorage backup, a VM consisting of dynamic disk may attempt to mount additional disk on the virtual machine. Upon the completion of the snapshot, the added dynamic disk may remain on the VM and show up as missing via Disk Management.

  • I have upgraded to ESX 4.1 Update 2.

    Now, the backup of VM with Windows Dynamic Disks and "Quiesce Virtual Machine Enabled" is successfull.

    SO, TECH179969 is the good one !