Forum Discussion

admsd's avatar
Level 4
4 years ago

Bare Metal "Restore Failed to retrieve any configurations from the server"

After configuring the entire environment to perform a Bare Metal Restore and having the corresponding SRT generated, the restore with media boot fails to collect the information from the client.
The client connects with the master without problem since it asks for the token and validates it, the problem is in the step of getting the configuration information.
The configuration has been revised and it has even been tried to make a copy. The automatic BMR and the generic BMR have also been tried with the same result.
The error is always "Failed to retrieve any configurations from the server"
Any idea what can happen?

5 Replies

  • Hello
    Have you started a “Prepare to Restore “ job from BMR section ? You must start it before you could boot system with SRT.

    BTW ... is this a Same System Restore or Dissimilar System Restore?
    From screen shot it looks like windows.. Is it so ?

    Hope you have updated SRT with right version of NBU when the BMR backup was taken.

    Do you have BMRRST log enabled on Master Server ? If not keep that enabled when recoveries are performed. If possible post a copy of log file here.
    • admsd's avatar
      Level 4

      Hi Pats,

      Yes, previosly i started "prepare to restore" on client BMR with the associated policy. Then I have generated the ISO associated with the BMR restore task in progress on the boot server.

      Client is WS2012R2 - NBU 8.2

      Boot server (SRT) is WS2016 - NBU 8.2

      When i prepared to restore i enabled loggin but BMRRST folder it is empty. Client connect right with master server and get CA but fail when retrieving configuration.
