Forum Discussion

newbie1421's avatar
Level 3
10 years ago

BMREER: Received BMR Error information discovery failed



Upgrade Master server fo 7.6.04 and changed policy to enable BMR.  All other 25 servers are running fine a mixed of both RHEL 2.6 or Solaris 10. I have one server that prior to the upgrade was not doing BMR, but have turned it on since doing the upgrade. I've also updated the client to to see if the below error would be resolved, but no luck.  I have also read the tech notes and checked for swap is turned on; parted is available and partition is not gpt.

04/12/2015 18:00:07 - begin Bare Metal Restore: Policy Execution Manager Preprocessed
04/12/2015 18:00:07 - Error bpbrm (pid=19907) BMRERR: Received BMR error: BMR information discovery failed. (35)
04/12/2015 18:00:07 - Error bpbrm (pid=19907) BMRERR: Did not receive bmr client request from serverxxxxx-e1, status = 0
04/12/2015 18:00:07 - Info bmrsavecfg (pid=0) done. status: 26: client/server handshaking failed


Thank you in advance!


  • Did you run all 3 commands? vxlogcfg -a -p 51216 -o 121 -s DebugLevel=5 bmrsavecfg -infoonly vxlogcfg -a -p 51216 -o 121 -s DebugLevel=1

10 Replies

  • Red Hat Linux 2.6.32-431.11.2.el6.x86_64

    The directory was empty.



  • Ran the vxlogcfg and vxlogview as stated above and received this in the error log:

    04/14/2015 16:44:30.976 V-128-312 [bmrSystem.cpp:SetOsInfo()] Unsupported Linux release: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation release 6.5 (Santiago)
    04/14/2015 16:44:30.980 [CSystemAgent.cpp:discover()] Failed verifying OS support for .

    I guess you do not support RHEL 6 workstatation. Will you in the future?


    Thank you for all your help!

  • Did you run all 3 commands? vxlogcfg -a -p 51216 -o 121 -s DebugLevel=5 bmrsavecfg -infoonly vxlogcfg -a -p 51216 -o 121 -s DebugLevel=1
  • Yes exactly how it was in the technote you attached.

    when running the ./vxlogview -infoonly, see message below.

    04/14/2015 18:16:45.832 V-128-312 [bmrSystem.cpp:SetOsInfo()] Unsupported Linux release: Red Hat Enterprise Linux Workstation release 6.5 (Santiago)
    04/14/2015 18:16:45.837 [CSystemAgent.cpp:discover()] Failed verifying OS support for .


  • Nope. The commands are: 1. vxlogcfg -a -p 51216 -o 121 -s DebugLevel=5 2. bmrsavecfg -infoonly 3. vxlogcfg -a -p 51216 -o 121 -s DebugLevel=1 Thanks for letting us know that this is RHEL 6.5. Have you checked the OS SCL for BMR support?
  • I have just checked the OS SCL: See this footnote : BMR Client/Boot Server support for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 begins with NetBackup 7.5. Red Hat Enterprise Linux 6 GA and Update 1 are supported. Updates 2 and 3 are supported and require NetBackup or later. Update 4 is supported and requires NetBackup 7.6 or later. Update 5 is supported and requires NetBackup and later. Update 6 is supported and requires NetBackup and later. So... your environment is perfectly supported.
  • Yup, I ran those exact commands. After seeing the message in vxlogview about being unsupported I checked, the Netbackup OS Compatilibity List. Does not list workstation at all.

    Thank you those commands worked well!


  • Those are specific to "Server Builds", this particular system is a "Workstation Build". I do not know where Netbackup BMR process is looking for that particular information, in a file where it's distingiushing that it is a server vs workstation, but it is.  See the error messages posted above.