Forum Discussion

rocketnewton's avatar
14 years ago

bperror column descriptions

Hi ,   I'm new to using Netbackup and I'm dumbfounded about the column names produced by bperror. I don't want to use the more userfriendly versions because I need to run this through some script...
  • tomwatts's avatar
    14 years ago

    From the Netbackup Commands document, under bperror. It seems like the default format uses the -l format, so...

    ■ Error catalog display, individual message entries, short format (for example, bperror -media -l). The short format produces a single line per log entry, with the following contents:

    Time (internal system representation)
    NetBackup version
    Type code (decimal)
    Severity code (decimal)
    Job ID
    Job Group ID
    An unused field
    Text (the entire log message text, with no truncation of the line length)