Forum Discussion

rajeshthink's avatar
13 years ago


bperror is not giving output apart from master server.

i check Log Clean-up setting on the master server from the default of 28 days

we did NBU services refresh. But still we are just getting output of master server only and not showing for any of the client

  • We replaced the bperror from a diffrent server which was on same version and reboot the sever.

    Now Bperror is giving output as expected.

6 Replies

  • bperror gets its information from the error catalog which is by deafult on the Master under netbackup\\logs\admin\

    It has various switched (-all, -client clientname etc.)

    Are you running on the Master and do you use any switches?

    Does anything show in the Problems report in the Admin Console - basically the same thing?

  • i am running below command


    bperror -problems -backstat -by_statcode -hoursago 24 -U

    also on Activity monitor i am able to see old jobs...

  • Do you get any reposnse or just no entity found?

    I am assuming that you have had errors in the last 24 hours?

    How many errors show in the All Log Entries report?

    Finally .... if on Windows 2008 ... did you run the cmd prompt up as an administrator so that is actually works?

  • No I am not able to see any error irrespective of no of hours i use 4000 to also as hours but still i get the the output only for master server.


    and this server is on Solaris 10.

  • Are you able to show us what you mean by only the master .. could you attach the output along with a Problems Report from the GUI for the same time window


  • We replaced the bperror from a diffrent server which was on same version and reboot the sever.

    Now Bperror is giving output as expected.