Forum Discussion

smith_jones's avatar
9 years ago

bpimagelist -backupid

Please help me understand the output.

I ran the command on nbu master server -
C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>bpimagelist -backupid

I have also attached the output in txt file.


  • What do you want to know ?

    I highly recommend the following tech note to understand the different field of bpimagelist 

    DOCUMENTATION: What are the different fields in "bpimagelist -l" output?


    Please note: The use of IP adresses as host name is not supported in Netbackup.


  • What do you want to know ?

    I highly recommend the following tech note to understand the different field of bpimagelist 

    DOCUMENTATION: What are the different fields in "bpimagelist -l" output?


    Please note: The use of IP adresses as host name is not supported in Netbackup.


  • Hello,


    As mentioned by Nicolai do not use ipaddress and it may be a concern for you later if the restore is not working


    I would also recommend you to use bpimagelist  with -U or -L option which is more descriptive

  • Hi Nicolai,


    Thanks. Really helpful info.

    Also the ip address above is of our filer in san env. We never faced any issue with IP. 

    But what you suggest? what is the impact?



  • The only NBU requirements are forward and reverse name lookup in both directions and port connectivity.

    It's recommended to use hostname in NetBackup environment instead of IP address as NBU server/client name. 

    Use bpclntcmd with the following parameter to see the result of name resolution.

    execute commands against nbu server and client, respectively.

    bpclntcmd -ip <ip_address>

    bpclntcmd -hn <host_name>

    execute command against nbu master, 

    usr/openv/netbackup/bin# ./bpclntcmd -pn
    expecting response from server nb_srv
    192.x.x.x *NULL* 192.x.x.x 20154

    *NULL*, indicates that you have not configured this client in any nbu polies.

    The first column "192.x.x.x" in second line indicates that you don't have hostname associated with the IP address

  • It seems the IP as hostname limitation has been lifted in NBU 7.7.2

    Not mentioned in the NBU 7.7.2 release notes any more, some limitation in IPv6 still exists.

    So you are all good.



  • You will agree that Nicolai has answered your initial query. Please close off this discussion by marking Nicolai's post as Solution.
  • I'm going to disagree a little ...

    IP adddress in EMM will cause issues if you every run the NetBackup Catalog Consistancy check (NBCC), I can't remember if it stops it running, or causes it to give incorrect results.

    I do however remember that my colleague who was looking at that particular case (who incidently wrote the first version of NBCC) stated the IP address should never be defined in EMM.

  • In this instance the client is defined as IP address. Although I don't like it, I have seen customers using IP address to backup and restore clients since NBU 3.1 days. Our biggest customer have a small number of IP address client backups on 7.7.x without any problems.
  • Hi Martin, good to see you in the discussion.

    Previous the release notes contained a note not to use IP addresses as host names, this note seems to be removed in 7.7.x.

    From "us" outsiders, this does look like Veritas now support IP as hostnames, so I am keen on hearing what Veritas from the "inside" has to say :-)