Bpplschedwin and incremental backup
Hello Community ^^,
I have done a script to change a Schedule of Many Policy who have approximatively the same Name.
This part is ok, i'm using at the end, the command line .\bpplschedwin.
With a Schedule for a Full backup it's easy to do and understand, but for an Incremental Backup, I don't know if we can use this command for ?
For example, my config file of Schedule is :
SCHED Incr 1 1 604800 1 0 0 0 *NULL* 0 0 0 0 0 0 -1 0 0 SCHEDWIN 0 0 68400 39600 68400 39600 68400 39600 68400 39600 68400 39600 0 0 SCHEDRES *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* SCHEDPOOL *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* SCHEDRL 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 SCHEDFOE 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 SCHEDSG *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL* *NULL*
So the Backup begin the Monday and end the Friday.
But 68400 s / 3600 = 19 so 19h after Midnight ?? and the other numer is 39600 /3600 = 11....?
If i look with the console NetBackup my backup begin the Monday at 00:00 to 06:00 and 19:00 to 00:00
Please explain to me how it's work for i continue my script.
Thx a lot ;)
The second number in the seven pairs is a duration, like you found 19:00 to 06:00 is 11 hours.