what does bpstart_notify script and bpend_notify.bat
- This script is called when bpbkar is started for a client backup.
- This script receives six parameters:
%4 = SCHEDULE_TYPE, one of the following: FULL, INCR, CINC, UBAK, UARC
%5 = STATUS, always 0
- This script is called when bpbkar is finished with a backup job.
- During an archive this script is called after the backup is complete and before the files are deleted.
- This script receives six parameters:
%4 = SCHEDULE_TYPE, one of the following: FULL, INCR, CINC, UBAK, UARC
%5 = Status of backup
But what exactgly it does?
Basically it does what ever you want it to do.
Until you edit the contents, it will do nothing, The contents of the script(s) are not supported by this forum or Symantec, as the contents have nothing to do with NBU, as explained, it is just a script that runs, you write the script to do what you want.
The ONLY invovement of NBU with these scripts, is as follows.
If the script exists in the correct directory, and is names correctly (as explained below) NBU will run the start script at the beginning of the backup, and the end script when the backup has finished.
What the script actually does, is up to you.
It is up to you to customise the script.
You can control if it runs like this :
Add a .policyname or a .policyname.schedule extension to the bpstart_notify and/or bpend_notify scripts
So if my policy is called womble, the script would run for each client that has the scripts in the clients netbackup/bin dir....You would call the script: bpstart_notify.wombleIf you only wanted it to run for full schedules and the schedule was called full ...bpstart_notify.womble.fullOr put another wayBy default, "bpstart_notify" and "bpend_notify" scripts apply to all NetBackup policies that the client belongs to. If you want them to run for a specific policy, rename the files to:
To run the scripts for a specific schedule, rename the files to:
Install_path\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpend_notify.policyname.schedulename.batThe script needs to go on the client, in this dir.<install_path>\VERITAS\NetBackup\bin (or unix equiv).As you mention NBU passes parameters, these could be used if you wanted to say write to a custom log file when a backup started. eg. if the script contained.echo "Backup started for client %1 " "in policy %2" >logfile.txtwhen a backup for a clilent in the policy ran," Backup started for client <clientname> in policy <policyname>" would be written to logfile.txtThe contents and functionality of this script is not covered by this forum, these would be scripting questions.The usual use of the start/ end script might be to shut down an application on a client before the backup, and restart it afterwards.eg.bp.start would contain<commands to stop application>bp.end would contain<commands to start application>Martin