Forum Discussion

Ivy_Yang's avatar
Level 6
13 years ago

Can we restore the data to a server which is not a NBU client?

hi, everybody!

I have a problem about Netbackup restore.

Currently I need to restore data from tape(NBU 6.5.4, master is X64_linux). The Policy Type is windows.

Since the backup image is over 100G and the user wants to restore the file to the destination server directly which is not a Netbackup client.

I  am not sure whether I can restore file to a non-NBU client.  but I guess not since I have to select  "destination client" from the "Backup,retstore and Archive" GUI..during the restore process........if the server is not a NBU client at all...I can't select it from the drop-down list....

however, I need you guys confirmation......

and if I want to restore the file to this non-NBU client directly, how should I do ?  install NBU client on this server to make it a "NBU client"?

thanks very much in advance! smiley


  • Good responses above...


    Not clear about the meaning of - "destination server" and "non-NBU client" - in your original question - please clarify in detail...


    All NBU Servers have NBU Client within them, and so, would allow a NBU restore coming to it. But, if you mean restore to a box that has absolutely no NBU software installed (no server, no client) - no, you can't restore to it, since it's NBU Client that accepts the incoming restore data, unformats it, and restores it. The OS, by itself, doesn't have any software to accept incoming NBU data, much less unformat it or restore it...


    Second, the box where you restore to, should be same OS type and version as the source client OS, otherwise we can lose somethings during the redirected restore (depending on the source and target OS)...

6 Replies

  • Hi,


    You can restore to another server where you can mount the windows area where you want to restore the data, The netbackup service on this restore server needs to have access rights to the final server though.

    But if you need to restore 100G probably the fastest way is to install the netbackup client on the server where you need the files.



  • As you say yourself, you cannot restore data to a non NetBackup client.

    You could indeed instll the client on this alternative server, and then run an alternative restore ...

    Think this will work fine from the master, but if you run the restore from the client yu need to follow the below steps ...


    By default a NetBackup client is only allowed to browse and restore backup images for itself.  The error message is displayed when attempting to browse images for other clients, unless the master server is configured to grant the requesting client access to the images for the source client.  This restriction does not apply to the master server which can browse and restore images for any client.

    Follow these steps on the master server to grant permission for the alternate client to access images other than it's own.

    1. Create a folder <Install path>\NetBackup\db\altnames.  The files that grant permissions will be created in this folder and must not have any file extensions such as '.txt'.
    2. To grant all clients permission to browse and restore the images of all other clients, create a file named "No.Restrictions".
    3. To grant one requesting client (altclient) permission to browse and restore images from another source client (srcclient), create a file with the same name as the requesting client and place the name of the source client into the file.  E.g.  echo srcclient > altclient

    Follow these steps on the alternate client to browse and restore the images from the source client.

    4. Open the Backup Archive and Restore GUI.
    5. Click File | Specify NetBackup Machines and Policy Type
    6. Change the Source client for restore to the original client that performed the backup.
    7. Select the correct Policy type and then click OK
    8. Click on Select for restore and continue with the restore





  • Good responses above...


    Not clear about the meaning of - "destination server" and "non-NBU client" - in your original question - please clarify in detail...


    All NBU Servers have NBU Client within them, and so, would allow a NBU restore coming to it. But, if you mean restore to a box that has absolutely no NBU software installed (no server, no client) - no, you can't restore to it, since it's NBU Client that accepts the incoming restore data, unformats it, and restores it. The OS, by itself, doesn't have any software to accept incoming NBU data, much less unformat it or restore it...


    Second, the box where you restore to, should be same OS type and version as the source client OS, otherwise we can lose somethings during the redirected restore (depending on the source and target OS)...

  • hi, everybody

    "non-NBU client"  means a box that has absolutely no NBU software installed(no server no client)....

     "destination server" means the final box to which I restore the data.


    thanks all for your reply! I think I've already got the answeryes

  • As per Peter's post above - you can restore to a NBU client where the folder from the non-NBU client is network mounted.

    For Windows, it can be a UNC path, for Unix - NFS mount. Just as long as it's a Windows client mapping other Windows folder  or Unix client NFS-mount of destination folder.