Forum Discussion

Gdd's avatar
Level 6
9 years ago

Cannot change current media server for only one image

We have several media servers - one for each environnement and backup are written to tapes. The robotic is shared between all the environnements.

We need to change media server for only one NetBackup image - in order to restore a backup performed in one envronment to another.

However, It seems that it is impossible to move only one image from media to another - command bpimage -newserver -oldserver -id  - move all the backups of one tape !

Does somebody has an idea to move only one image ?


  • Not possible I am afraid. You cannot pick and choose at a client level which media server is to be used. That is micro-managing the environment and NetBackup is not designed for micro-managing.

10 Replies

  • Why not just add a FORCE_RESTORE_MEDIA_SERVER entry for this media server to use another media server?

  • Cannot be done.  It is by design.  Media servers do not own tape images on an individual basis (unless a tape has only one image on it), instead media servers own the media volumes and thus all images on said volumes.

  • My target storage is a "Storage Unit Group"... and one tape is shared between all the media servers which belong to the Storage Units of this group.

    So I think there is backup images writen by several media servers in one tape.

    Do you agree which this ?

  • It sounds like you have media sharing configured, or unrestricted media sharing configured.  Take revaroo's advice to force a restore to be performed by a particular media server.

  • Ok, but users request restore from the netbackup - backup and restore inteface - lauchned from the client.

    If we use a global directive like FORCE_RESTORE_MEDIA_SERVER, we have to manage concurrent request (for exemple, backup have been performed on media1 - production environment, one user wish to restore through media2 - qualif environment, and another one wish to restore through media3 - test environment).

    We wish to modify "media" at image level in order to allow several request from several users at the same time.



  • Not possible I am afraid. You cannot pick and choose at a client level which media server is to be used. That is micro-managing the environment and NetBackup is not designed for micro-managing.

  • Hi,


    please explain why you need this done "We need to change media server for only one NetBackup image - in order to restore a backup performed in one envronment to another."


    and also


    "We wish to modify "media" at image level in order to allow several request from several users at the same time."


    Tape is sequential, if you've got an mutliple images on tape they'll be restores one after the other, you can't restore more than one at the same time. If you want to restore from multiple users at the same time need you start to use disk based backups .


  • Unfortunately the feature for an end-client BAR GUI to choose from a selection of "known to work restore media servers" does not exist, and I suspect it would actually be quite difficult to implement in code.

  • Yes, a tape cannot be shared between several users, but several tapes are used every days (there is 12 tape drives) - conflict is possible but probability is about 1/12...

    Problem is more  about the "side effects"... each user has its servers, If somebody modify the "media server" for all the backups on one tape, he also modify backups of the other users... at the same time, other users cannot restore from the same tape, but after - they can and however, they will be impacted by the update of the media server !

    I do not known if it is difficult to implement, but i have exported the image header for one image, modifed the result of the export and imported this modified result - this works fine.... however, it was a server only for test purpose !