Forum Discussion

A_3's avatar
Level 4
9 years ago

cannot make required directory in linux and getting RMAN backup failed

cannot make required directory in linux and getting RMAN backup failed

  • Logs folders need to have 777 permissions.
    Folders must be writable by oracle user running the backup.

    Please also check permissions on the script and the folder where the script was created:

    If rman needs to produce '.out' file in /usr/openv/local/oracle folder, the oracle user needs to have write permission in this folder.

    Please show us the script? (

6 Replies

  • Hi,

    Need more details,

    You can find the logs in the following path and post it here if you are allowed to publish your environment names,




    please check the errors from the above mentioned logs and let us know

    Full permission requried for the below directories,





    Commad: chmod 777 <directory_name>, if the above mentioned folders are not at full permission and it can be checked by passing the command "ls -ltr" in the respective path.

    Link: Setting permissions in admin guide for RMAN backups

    Please refer page number - 44 for setting permissions


  • Logs folders need to have 777 permissions.
    Folders must be writable by oracle user running the backup.

    Please also check permissions on the script and the folder where the script was created:

    If rman needs to produce '.out' file in /usr/openv/local/oracle folder, the oracle user needs to have write permission in this folder.

    Please show us the script? (

  • maybe wrong rights at the /usr/openv/netbackup/logs/user_ops or at /usr/openv/local/oracle/

    both directories  have to be writable by root.

  • Error:


    2015/09/27 06:37:51             Target file chown and chmod abc_client:/usr/openv/local/oracle/
    2015/09/27 06:37:59  Failed to submit policy.
    2015/09/27 06:37:59  STDOUT:
    2015/09/27 06:37:59  STDERR: EXIT STATUS 35: cannot make required directory

  • When ever i kick the RMAN script......i see in NBU that backup is failed with error 35 (cannot make required directory). Also RMAN logs are not getting generating...Pls help