Forum Discussion

vnroot's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

Cannot open Netbackup Administration Console

Someone please help?


  • According to your screenshot, the Emm server is different from master server. Is that right? Do you have a separate Emm server? You have selected NBU 7.6 in your opening post. This version does not support Emm on different server to the master. How was this server installed? Which hostname selected as Master and EMM server? We need to know which server is supposed to be Master and EMM server and how it came about that they now seem to be different.

9 Replies

  • 1) Has it ever worked?

    2) New install?

    3) Old install which has stopped working?


    Try this on the admin console:

    Start / Run / Cmd
    > cd /d "C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd"
    > bpgetconfig -M EMMSERVER
    > echo EMMSERVER=mymaster | bpsetconfig -h
    > bpgetconfig -M EMMSERVER

    ...the close and re-open the console.  Does it work now?


    And/or, have you added the FQHN of the admin console server to the list of 'Servers' of the Master Server Host Properties?

  • Hi SDO,

    My netbackup administration console is working fine tine some duplication job failed due to "All compatible drive paths are down but media is available(2009)"

    Then i restart all the netbackup service. After that, this issue happened :-S

    After did your command, the issue still facing now.

  • Sounds as if NetBackup was not restarted cleanly - and/or the symptom of failing Admin Console is an artifact of a wider/deeper problem.

    Do you have any site specific procedures that you can use to verify the 'availability' of your NetBackup environment?


    Does this command work and/or show anything?

    > nbemmcmd -listhosts
  • Does name resoloution work correctly ?

    what does a bpclntcmd -pn and bpclntcmd -self say ?


    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>nbemmcmd -listhosts
    NBEMMCMD, Version:
    Failed to initialize EMM connection.  Verify that network access to the EMM serv
    er is available and that the services nbemm and pbx_exchange are running on the
    EMM server. (195)
    Command did not complete successfully.


    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>bpclntcmd -self
    gethostname() returned: na1-netbackup.intra
    host na1-netbackup.intra: na1-netbackup.intra at
    aliases:     na1-netbackup.intra
    getfqdn(na1-netbackup.intra) returned: na1-netbackup.intra

    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>bpclntcmd -pn
    expecting response from server na1-netbackup.intra
    na1-netbackup.intra na1-netbackup 50754







  • This does not look right:

    Failed to initialize EMM connection.  Verify that network access to the EMM serv
    er is available and that the services nbemm and pbx_exchange are running on the
    EMM server. (195)

    • Does  "nbemmcmd -listhosts" work ?
    • are youre file systems running full ?
    • do you run periodic catalog backups ?
  • Verify that network access to the EMM server is available and that the services nbemm and pbx_exchange are running on the EMM server. (195)


    check if PBX & nbemm is running on your server or not.


    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>bpps -s |find /I "nbemm"

    to check PBX

    Start> Run> Services.msc> find Symantec Private Branch Exchange and check its status.

  • According to your screenshot, the Emm server is different from master server. Is that right? Do you have a separate Emm server? You have selected NBU 7.6 in your opening post. This version does not support Emm on different server to the master. How was this server installed? Which hostname selected as Master and EMM server? We need to know which server is supposed to be Master and EMM server and how it came about that they now seem to be different.