Forum Discussion

schrammd's avatar
Level 5
12 years ago

Can't move robotic control from media server to master

Hi, Im trying to following TECH30490 as well as the Device Configuration Guide for Solaris but things are not lining up. Basically we are trying to split the robot control off from an existing medi...
  • mph999's avatar
    12 years ago

    Is running that nbemmcmd -deletealldevices -allrecords command the only surefire way to purge out all the robot/drive info?

    No, it is the 2nd best way.  In 99% of cases it works, but if you had some real bad issue, the only way to be sure, is to use manual SQL commands.

    However, SQL scripts come from Engineering, and they will first request that the deletealldevices command is used first, as it 'should' work.

    If anything should be left, that would be when a manual SQL commands would be used to delete any unwanted entries in the DB.

    Anyhow, from scan

    On the master, in the chager part we see.

    Drive 1 Serial Number      : "101100328E"
    Drive 2 Serial Number      : "101200328E"
    Drive 3 Serial Number      : "101400328E"


    The changer should list each drive it has, with different serial numbers.

    Look at the serial numbers of the drives on the media


    Each is listed twice, fine, must be dual paths, and they match what is in the changer section, so no issues on this part.
    The serial numbers are the imprtant part really, they are used by NBU to work out if drives are in a library, when running the wizard.
    Apologies if I have missed this, but have you actualy tried to configure this with the device wizard, as opposed to adding the drives manually one-by-one.
    If you run the device wizrad, and select both  the master and the media at the same time, it should auto configure the drives into the robot.
    getting late here again, I'll check back tomorrow.