Forum Discussion

schrammd's avatar
Level 5
12 years ago

Can't move robotic control from media server to master


Im trying to following TECH30490 as well as the Device Configuration Guide for Solaris but things are not lining up. Basically we are trying to split the robot control off from an existing media server since there is a process running on the box which keeps killing the robot, and vendors have not been able to produce a fix at the code level. The old media server must remain as it controls the drives. The master can see the robot via sgscan, but I cannot make the change as noted in that TN. It simply can't see the robot. During the work trying to move it over, it seems it unconfigured the robot from the media server so now nothing can control it. Is it safe to add a new robot or does it have to be "changed" in the existing one?


  • Is running that nbemmcmd -deletealldevices -allrecords command the only surefire way to purge out all the robot/drive info?

    No, it is the 2nd best way.  In 99% of cases it works, but if you had some real bad issue, the only way to be sure, is to use manual SQL commands.

    However, SQL scripts come from Engineering, and they will first request that the deletealldevices command is used first, as it 'should' work.

    If anything should be left, that would be when a manual SQL commands would be used to delete any unwanted entries in the DB.

    Anyhow, from scan

    On the master, in the chager part we see.

    Drive 1 Serial Number      : "101100328E"
    Drive 2 Serial Number      : "101200328E"
    Drive 3 Serial Number      : "101400328E"


    The changer should list each drive it has, with different serial numbers.

    Look at the serial numbers of the drives on the media


    Each is listed twice, fine, must be dual paths, and they match what is in the changer section, so no issues on this part.
    The serial numbers are the imprtant part really, they are used by NBU to work out if drives are in a library, when running the wizard.
    Apologies if I have missed this, but have you actualy tried to configure this with the device wizard, as opposed to adding the drives manually one-by-one.
    If you run the device wizrad, and select both  the master and the media at the same time, it should auto configure the drives into the robot.
    getting late here again, I'll check back tomorrow.

18 Replies

  • I understand about the device thing. We add LUNs on the fly all the time to Solaris boxes. Tape drives and robots not so much. The existing media server is running RHEL and the adding part goes well usually but removals on the fly are about as consistent as the weather. I will try removing the zone for the robot to that server and see if anything changes.


  • Hi Martin/Marianne

    I tried a variation on the them using your hint about the linux deal: I removed the robot port from the zone the linux media server was using. Changed the owner to the master, let the device manager restart. Looked ok until (as other attempts as well) I went to inventory the robot - can't select any robot - drop down is blank. Same story.

    sanjay # ../sgscan changer
    /dev/sg/c0tw211f0090a500328el0: "SPECTRA PYTHON"
    sanjay # ../robtest
    No robots are configuredcrying

    I wasn't eager to run that nbemmcmd -deletealldevices -allrecords command (yet), but I have a question - does the master which we want to run the robot need to be in the bp.conf as a media server? Today, the only media server in the file is the original Linux box.

    Is running that nbemmcmd -deletealldevices -allrecords command the only surefire way to purge out all the robot/drive info?


  • The SERVER entry for the master gives it all media server rights automatically.

    Curious to see what 'scan' command reports. Please run it and post output?

  • Ok, thought so.


    sanjay # ./scan
    *********************** SDT_TAPE    ************************
    *********************** SDT_CHANGER ************************
    Device Name  : "/dev/sg/c0tw211f0090a500328el0"
    Passthru Name: "/dev/sg/c0tw211f0090a500328el0"
    Volume Header: ""
    Port: -1; Bus: -1; Target: -1; LUN: -1
    Inquiry    : "SPECTRA PYTHON          2000"
    Vendor ID  : "SPECTRA "
    Product ID : "PYTHON          "
    Product Rev: "2000"
    Serial Number: "901F00328E"
    WWN          : ""
    WWN Id Type  : 0
    Device Identifier: "SPECTRA PYTHON          901F00328E"
    Device Type    : SDT_CHANGER
    NetBackup Robot Type: 8
    Removable      : Yes
    Device Supports: SCSI-3
    Number of Drives : 3
    Number of Slots  : 200
    Number of Media Access Ports: 10
    Drive 1 Serial Number      : "101100328E"
    Drive 2 Serial Number      : "101200328E"
    Drive 3 Serial Number      : "101400328E"
    Flags : 0x0
    Reason: 0x0

    Media Server with robot removed:

    [root@backup104 ~]# /usr/openv/volmgr/bin/scan
    *********************** SDT_TAPE    ************************
    *********************** SDT_CHANGER ************************
    Device Name  : "/dev/nst4"
    Passthru Name: "/dev/sg198"
    Volume Header: ""
    Port: -1; Bus: -1; Target: -1; LUN: -1
    Inquiry    : "IBM     ULTRIUM-TD5     BBN2"
    Vendor ID  : "IBM     "
    Product ID : "ULTRIUM-TD5     "
    Product Rev: "BBN2"
    Serial Number: "101400328E"
    WWN          : ""
    WWN Id Type  : 0
    Device Identifier: "IBM     ULTRIUM-TD5     101400328E"
    Device Type    : SDT_TAPE
    NetBackup Drive Type: 10
    Removable      : Yes
    Device Supports: SCSI-6
    Flags : 0x0
    Reason: 0x0
    Device Name  : "/dev/nst1"
    Passthru Name: "/dev/sg187"
    Volume Header: ""
    Port: -1; Bus: -1; Target: -1; LUN: -1
    Inquiry    : "IBM     ULTRIUM-TD5     BBN2"
    Vendor ID  : "IBM     "
    Product ID : "ULTRIUM-TD5     "
    Product Rev: "BBN2"
    Serial Number: "101200328E"
    WWN          : ""
    WWN Id Type  : 0
    Device Identifier: "IBM     ULTRIUM-TD5     101200328E"
    Device Type    : SDT_TAPE
    NetBackup Drive Type: 10
    Removable      : Yes
    Device Supports: SCSI-6
    Flags : 0x0
    Reason: 0x0
    Device Name  : "/dev/nst3"
    Passthru Name: "/dev/sg197"
    Volume Header: ""
    Port: -1; Bus: -1; Target: -1; LUN: -1
    Inquiry    : "IBM     ULTRIUM-TD5     BBN2"
    Vendor ID  : "IBM     "
    Product ID : "ULTRIUM-TD5     "
    Product Rev: "BBN2"
    Serial Number: "101200328E"
    WWN          : ""
    WWN Id Type  : 0
    Device Identifier: "IBM     ULTRIUM-TD5     101200328E"
    Device Type    : SDT_TAPE
    NetBackup Drive Type: 10
    Removable      : Yes
    Device Supports: SCSI-6
    Flags : 0x0
    Reason: 0x0
    Device Name  : "/dev/nst0"
    Passthru Name: "/dev/sg186"
    Volume Header: ""
    Port: -1; Bus: -1; Target: -1; LUN: -1
    Inquiry    : "IBM     ULTRIUM-TD5     BBN2"
    Vendor ID  : "IBM     "
    Product ID : "ULTRIUM-TD5     "
    Product Rev: "BBN2"
    Serial Number: "101100328E"
    WWN          : ""
    WWN Id Type  : 0
    Device Identifier: "IBM     ULTRIUM-TD5     101100328E"
    Device Type    : SDT_TAPE
    NetBackup Drive Type: 10
    Removable      : Yes
    Device Supports: SCSI-6
    Flags : 0x0
    Reason: 0x0
    Device Name  : "/dev/nst5"
    Passthru Name: "/dev/sg199"
    Volume Header: ""
    Port: -1; Bus: -1; Target: -1; LUN: -1
    Inquiry    : "IBM     ULTRIUM-TD5     BBN2"
    Vendor ID  : "IBM     "
    Product ID : "ULTRIUM-TD5     "
    Product Rev: "BBN2"
    Serial Number: "101100328E"
    WWN          : ""
    WWN Id Type  : 0
    Device Identifier: "IBM     ULTRIUM-TD5     101100328E"
    Device Type    : SDT_TAPE
    NetBackup Drive Type: 10
    Removable      : Yes
    Device Supports: SCSI-6
    Flags : 0x0
    Reason: 0x0
    Device Name  : "/dev/nst2"
    Passthru Name: "/dev/sg188"
    Volume Header: ""
    Port: -1; Bus: -1; Target: -1; LUN: -1
    Inquiry    : "IBM     ULTRIUM-TD5     BBN2"
    Vendor ID  : "IBM     "
    Product ID : "ULTRIUM-TD5     "
    Product Rev: "BBN2"
    Serial Number: "101400328E"
    WWN          : ""
    WWN Id Type  : 0
    Device Identifier: "IBM     ULTRIUM-TD5     101400328E"
    Device Type    : SDT_TAPE
    NetBackup Drive Type: 10
    Removable      : Yes
    Device Supports: SCSI-6
    Flags : 0x0
    Reason: 0x0



  • All looks fine. 

    I can see no reason why Martin's advice won't work:


    nbemmcmd -deletealldevices -allrecords

    Add it back with the wizard, be sure to select both the master and media server at the same time.

  • Ok folks, I think we have solved the problem. One of my peers here suggested adding the new robot solely to the master, making sure it is detected correctly. Then, add a "second" robot with the mediaserver as divce host, and master as remote control as the docs say.

    Now, I can add the drives and select the robot just fine. Robtest works on the master. The weird thing, and I don't know if this matters, is when you go to inventory the robot, you cannot select the media srv as device host, else the robot is blank (just like before), but if the device host is master, then all is well. Does this make sense and what could be the fallout from this configuration verses the single robot entry with the combined media-remote robot master config?

  • Nope, it simply does not work as suggested. The method I described appears to be the only way in this environment. So, I guess my question is, if it works - is it OK to stick with it? Test duplications working as expected, all signs seem to point to success.


  • Is running that nbemmcmd -deletealldevices -allrecords command the only surefire way to purge out all the robot/drive info?

    No, it is the 2nd best way.  In 99% of cases it works, but if you had some real bad issue, the only way to be sure, is to use manual SQL commands.

    However, SQL scripts come from Engineering, and they will first request that the deletealldevices command is used first, as it 'should' work.

    If anything should be left, that would be when a manual SQL commands would be used to delete any unwanted entries in the DB.

    Anyhow, from scan

    On the master, in the chager part we see.

    Drive 1 Serial Number      : "101100328E"
    Drive 2 Serial Number      : "101200328E"
    Drive 3 Serial Number      : "101400328E"


    The changer should list each drive it has, with different serial numbers.

    Look at the serial numbers of the drives on the media


    Each is listed twice, fine, must be dual paths, and they match what is in the changer section, so no issues on this part.
    The serial numbers are the imprtant part really, they are used by NBU to work out if drives are in a library, when running the wizard.
    Apologies if I have missed this, but have you actualy tried to configure this with the device wizard, as opposed to adding the drives manually one-by-one.
    If you run the device wizrad, and select both  the master and the media at the same time, it should auto configure the drives into the robot.
    getting late here again, I'll check back tomorrow.