Forum Discussion

JessieP's avatar
Level 3
9 years ago

Catalog Archive Question

We are investigating the use of Catalog Archiving to reduce the footprint of our main NetBackup catalog (Currently ~1.1TB).


So my questions for those of you who use Catalog Archiving are...

1.  In it says to perform the catalog archive with NBU in an inactive state (no backups running)  Is this actually a requirement?  we have jobs that run all day every day so actually pulling a regular time that this can run would be difficult if it can't run on an active environment.

2.  How are image clean up jobs effected?  Will it clean an image that expires out of the archived data?  
     The reason I ask is that we have backups that have an infinate retention and if we run the "bpcatlist -client all -before-months 48 | bpcatarc | bpcatrm" the backup will also have to have the retention of the longest archived imade so that it is not cleaned up before the backup expires.  So if I have to mark it as infinate I want to make sure that the images that have less than infinate retention will be cleared when their expire time arrives.  My theory is that it would clean up the header info in the catalog but the data (.f files) that is in the catalog archive backup will remain until the archive backup expires.


Thanks for any help you can provide.


  • If you are archiving older images only and are sure there are no dups to occur on them then you should be fine. If you are doing the entire images then you don't want jobs running.

7 Replies

  • 1.  In it says to perform the catalog archive with NBU in an inactive state (no backups running)  Is this actually a requirement?  we have jobs that run all day every day so actually pulling a regular time that this can run would be difficult if it can't run on an active environment.


    This is a public facing document so it should be accurate ,therefore just take it that you have to have no backups running.



  • If you look at you will see at the bottom that it says

    Some recommendations for catalog archiving:
    Perform catalog archiving operations only on images that are not currently be operated upon by other NetBackup operations such as duplications, vaulting, or Storage LifeCycle Policies.  Use appropriate options on the bpcatlist command to select only appropriate images..

    This is where my confusion comes in... one doc says that making it sound like you just need to be concentious of the options used so you know the images arn't going to be in use.

    The other doc says "Perform catalog archiving operations when NetBackup is in an inactive state (no jobs are running)."  that does not appear to be talking about backups running but any job including SLP, Duplications, and Vaulting.

  • If you are archiving older images only and are sure there are no dups to occur on them then you should be fine. If you are doing the entire images then you don't want jobs running.


    2.  How are image clean up jobs effected?  Will it clean an image that expires out of the archived data?  

    I doubt the image expires out of archived data however the image should expire when you run the bpcatres command 

  • Expired images should be removed from header and .f files to ensure that expired images are not restored when needed.

  • I would take a guess (and it is a guess) that bpcatres would look at the remaining header filer in the database and only restore those. Any images that have expired (so the header files are gone) the .f files will not be restored.