Check the waiting time for backup
Can you please tell me what should I do if I want to increase the waiting time for backups?
Suppose there is one drive and one backup running. Second backup job is in queue since there is only one drive in this case.
After some specified time the second backup that was in queue will fail with error 196, since till that threshold time drive was not free.
So if I want to modify\increase that timing so that backup not fails (atleast one or two hours more), where to proceed?
If the window is 10 - 14, that is 6 hours. if it runs at 10, the frequency will tell it to start after 8 hours, which would be 1800. Since that is past the end of the start window, it will not run.
If it runs at 11, 11+8 = 19, will not run. since it is 8 hours not 1 day, next day will start at 10, not 11...
If the frequency is set at 2 hours, it will run at 10, 12, 14. ( I do that to run repeating backups for my oracle archive logs )
check the length of the window, make the frequency longer