Forum Discussion

5 Replies

  • If it doesn't clarify, let us know & we'll see if we can't simplify it!

    Collect true image restore information (policy attribute) with and without move detection on Windows

  • hi andy welburn,

    sorry I tried but i can't understand it can you explain it with a single/few  statements.

  • Basically with TIR enabled a true image restore will restore a directory, say, to the state it was at a particular time - taking into account file moves & deletions.

    Unlike a normal restore, which would could/would probably recover all files in a directory.

    The following T/N may explain it better (this was a link provided at the bottom of the other T/N I quoted earlier) - but I've said that before!

  • Was that clearer?

    I know it's sometimes hard to grasp......well at least for me, I've had to read TIR explanations numerous times in the past & still do to get it to sink in!!