Hi ericcruz_telus
This topic has been asked and answered previously. A quick google search would have provided you with lots of solutions that have been asked here over the years.
The command to use is bppllist and you will need to filter the output. There is no simple solution.
Here is one simple shell command that will display what you are after (maybe not in the form you want)
for p in `bppllist -U -verbose -allpolicies | egrep '^Policy Name|Active' | awk '/Active.*yes/{print x};{x=$3}'`; do
bppllist $p | egrep '^CLASS|^CLIENT' | awk '{ print $1, $2 }' | sed 's/^CLASS/POLICY/'
The output of this will be a list something like (active policies with the clients from each policy):
POLICY Policy1
CLIENT client1
CLIENT client2
POLICY Policy2
CLIENT client3
Note that the output from intelligent policies (VMware, SQL & Oracle) may not show what you expect.
The basis for that command came form the following post https://vox.veritas.com/t5/NetBackup/Command-line-to-find-all-clients-with-active-policies/td-p/651483