Configuring BLAT with STUNNEL
Hello- I'm new to configuring STUNNEL with BLAT and I'm hoping I can explain this ok but looking for some assistance. The Netbackup catalog DR file/email can no longer be sent via email using SMTP over port 25 and they are enforcing TLS over port 587.
I have always used BLAT and I have since downloaded stunnel and went through these steps:
- Download and install stunnel-5.56-win64-installer.exe
- Created a backup of the stunnel.conf.orig.txt file
- Edited stunnel.conf text to the following:
client = yes
accept = 25
connect =
- Save/quit the file
- Start/Programs, right-click "service install" and click Run as Administrator
- Start/programs, right click "service start" and click Run as Administrator
- Edited nbmail.cmd (d\program files\veritas\netbackup\bin) to include blat xxxx -server localhost:25
- Reconfigured blat using this command:
blat.exe -installSMTP localhost <sender_email_address> -q -port 25 -u <smtp account> -pw <password>
- Send a test email with this command:
blat.exe -sender <server_email-address> -to -subject "test from %computeraccount%" -body "test"
I receive the following email error:
***Error *** SMTP server error
Error: Not a socket.
Error:Not a socket
Thanks so much -- hopefully it's something easy and I'm just completely missing it!!
Probably best to reach out to the stunnel people to help you debug their logs.