Forum Discussion

nilesh_korgaonk's avatar
12 years ago

Datadomain ( DD) replication across two NBU domain

Hii ,

I have a few queries on netbackup setup to integrate with Netbackup 7.5 / 7.6 & Datadomain ( DD) replication,

1. I had a setup with same master server name on PR -DR, netbackup 7.1 is used on both the sides and currently DD as VTL is used to replicate data, tapes are read at DR by sending "../db/images/ " folder to DR site, this was ok until we use Netbackup 7.1 as image database in 7.1 was flat file and no import was required if its placed in /db/images on my DR Master server.

2. If i want to upgrade to 7.5 i cant send the "../db/image" folder to DR as it is relational db and only option left with me will be AIR, but currently only MSDP supports AIR and my VTL based DD to DD replication wont support AIR.

3. If DD boost ( OST) is used for backup instead of VTL will  i be able to use AIR as i suppose it will be supported only from Netbackup 7.6 version.


Attached a image to give a senerio of wat i want to achieve.

  • Hangul2002 is right.

    when you use AIR, netbackup inserts inside the backup image the catalog information for the specific backup. The destination server just read this information and import it to his catalog.
    This import job is not a regular backup  import.

    No other catalog information is traveling between the master servers. (example tape backup information)


    some thoughts.

    Probably you can not use AIR with master servers with the same hostname. Using servers with the same name is used if you do storage replication (as you do now with DD VTL) out of the netbackup knowledge or if you use tapes and you must have a way to replicate (or restore) the netbackup database.

    If you will use DD with DDBoost and not VTL, then AIR is your way to go. As Nikolai said there is no AIR functionality at the netbackup compatibility list but this is not a problem as OST plugin is a hardware vendor responsibility.

    If you want to keep your way, check the recovery without import document. It is updated and cover 7.5. It is harder to do it, probably you will use some scripting, but it is doable.


7 Replies

  • The big advantage of AIR replication is that you have to different Netbackup domains running. If one crashes completely you don't have to care about DNS, duplicate IP, emm database replication etc etc.

    This also mean you can do "live" disaster without taking the primary backup system down.

    AIR replication is much more granular than manual solutions.

  • If you use AIR function,i think netbackup catalog will include in the backup images replicate.You need not care about netbackup catalog replication.

    on the DR site make sure the import jobs are working, and check all the catalog can be found.


    Add info you can ref MSDP admin guide.

  • Hangul2002 is right.

    when you use AIR, netbackup inserts inside the backup image the catalog information for the specific backup. The destination server just read this information and import it to his catalog.
    This import job is not a regular backup  import.

    No other catalog information is traveling between the master servers. (example tape backup information)


    some thoughts.

    Probably you can not use AIR with master servers with the same hostname. Using servers with the same name is used if you do storage replication (as you do now with DD VTL) out of the netbackup knowledge or if you use tapes and you must have a way to replicate (or restore) the netbackup database.

    If you will use DD with DDBoost and not VTL, then AIR is your way to go. As Nikolai said there is no AIR functionality at the netbackup compatibility list but this is not a problem as OST plugin is a hardware vendor responsibility.

    If you want to keep your way, check the recovery without import document. It is updated and cover 7.5. It is harder to do it, probably you will use some scripting, but it is doable.


  • I can't remember at what version but supporting AIR also has to do with the OST plugin provided by EMC. I thought I heard of a newer version than wha ships that is required to get some of these things working but you have ot request it specificly from them.


    I thought that air was one of the things thatis working.


    I hope this helps



  • hii

    i will also check with my DD vendor , if they will support  OST + AIR and / or VTL+ AIR and with which version of netbackup.

    as far as i know moving the setup to 7.5 wont be much of an issue but from VTL ( FC) to ddboost (network) based backup will be a challenge.

    also FC boost is on road map which needs to be checked.



    thanks for that reply , but m not able to open the link

    also i not sure of any script based solution working for catalog sync in netbckup 7.5 as it use to do with "nbcatsync" command for previous netbackup version.



