Forum Discussion

AlGon's avatar
Level 6
13 years ago

DeDuplication Database Location

Hello everyone,

Netbackup 7.1 - MS Windows

I have some existing disk storage on an array that I'd like to use for a media server Deduplication pool - 16, 900GB 10K SAS disks configured in a RAID 6. 

I'm about to attach a new server to the disk storage array. 

On the local server storage I was going to have a set of mirrored disks for the OS and Netbackup installation - both on separate partitions. 

However, when it comes to the Deduplication database should I?

Put the database on separate disks contained in the local server


Separate disks on the attached storage array

Many thanks

  • I agree with jaketame above - and iun answer to yoru second question it is nice to have them seperate and safe away from the server itself

6 Replies

  • I would go for the SAS disks in the attached array The faster the better for the database - give it its own spindles when ever possible
  • Thanks Mark.

    I was going to give it its own disks on the server separate from the OS and Netbackup install. 

    I guess I was wondering what the benefits would be to putting the database locally on the server or on the separate array, for example, if the server goes down and needs rebuilding, would it make it easier if the database is stored on the storage array.

  • To note;

    Their are two parts to the MSDP - Deduplication Database.

    1. /Storage

    2. /DB

    It is best practice to have these on two seperate disk(s) and tray(s) with the /DB being 15% the size of /Storage.

    Will save you a huge amount of headaches later!

  • I agree with jaketame above - and iun answer to yoru second question it is nice to have them seperate and safe away from the server itself

  • A pair of SSD drives in RAID 1 for the OS and Dedupe DB sound quite yummy right about now...