Forum Discussion

chrisbethel's avatar
11 years ago

Device Monitor

In the Netbackup Administration Console 7.0.1 there is a section called Device Monitor under Media & Device Management and on the right hand pane is where is displays a list of all the tape drives and their status. One of the columns inside that pane says CONTROL and below that aligned with the drives some are stating RESTART and some say TLD and if I click on the tape drives that say TLD and open it up there is the list of 'tapes(?)' and some of those say RESTART and some say TLD. What does the RESTART status mean?

I have cycled power on the backup server and the tape library. I have unplugged the tape drives from the network and reconnected them. I am fairly new to Netbackup. I have not deleted the tape drives and added them back (i dont know how). All my drives had green arrows point up and the READY column on all the drives say NO.


Any thoughts?

  • Hello 

    Seeing Restart means changes have been made to the robot or device configuration and you need to restart ltid.

    For a full list of the devices status and what is means, please look at TECH31149

6 Replies

  • Hello 

    Seeing Restart means changes have been made to the robot or device configuration and you need to restart ltid.

    For a full list of the devices status and what is means, please look at TECH31149

  • You have asked similar questions over here:

    Not sure why you started a new discussion?

    Have you configured a Storage Unit? 
    And media that can be used for backups?
    Have you created backup policies?

    If so, you can start to run backups. Manually or scheduled.

    The moment a tape is mounted in a drive, the READY status will change to Yes.

    Please download NBU Admin Guide I and read through Section 3 - Configuring storage.


  • I started a new discussion because this discussion was not showing up inthe forum and my activity area did not show any new discussions so I assumed it failed to go through.

    Thanks for that information, I'll check out the Admin Guide for sure!

    I got the drives back up and running by restarting the Device Manager Service, I also noticed that some of the drives had missing path information. I readded a path to a drive and when I hit OK, that is what restarted the Device Manager Service which turned all the drives GREEN.

  • Seems the real issue was 'missing path' on some of your drives?

    This is normally a result of no persistent binding between OS and device paths, meaning that device paths can change when server is rebooted.

    To prevent this from happening, use HBA tools (e.g. Sansurfer for Qlogic hba's) to do Persistent Binding.

  • Is HBA tools a tool within NBU? I can't use third party tools. I'm on a gov't system that would require software requests which take months to process.

  • HBA tools come with HBA drivers. What OS are you running? If its windows, looks in the Start > Programs for SanSurfer (Qlogic) or HBA Anywhere (Emulex)