Forum Discussion

NIKHIL234656595's avatar
13 years ago

difference between

difference between

/vmquery -b -pn Scratch|wc -l



vmquery -pn Scratch|wc –l     
sudo ./vmquery -pn Scratch
sudo ./vmquery -b -pn Scratch
  • As per Martin's post - we need to see what you see. Please send output to filename of both commands (without wc) and post files as attachment.

2 Replies

  • If you remove the wc -l (which just means count how many lines are in the output) you can see the difference ...

    With vmquery -pn Scratch you get output like this (I am only showing 1 tape)


    media ID:              R0TP02
    media type:            4MM cartridge tape (9)
    barcode:               --------
    media description:     Added by Media Manager
    volume pool:           Scratch (4)
    robot type:            TL4 - Tape Library 4MM (7)
    robot number:          0
    robot slot:            3
    robot control host:    womble
    volume group:          000_00000_TL4
    vault name:            ---
    vault sent date:       ---
    vault return date:     ---
    vault slot:            ---
    vault session id:      ---
    vault container id:    -
    created:               Fri Feb 24 09:14:49 2012
    assigned:              ---
    last mounted:          ---
    first mount:           ---
    expiration date:       ---
    number of mounts:      0
    max mounts allowed:    ---
    With vmquery -b -pn Scratch 
    media   media  robot  robot  robot  side/  optical  # mounts/      last
     ID     type   type     #    slot   face   partner  cleanings    mount time
    R0TP02  4MM    TL4      0       3     -       -           0     00/00/0000 00:00
    wc -l just counts the lines, so with -b, you get the 'brief' output, less information, all on one line.
    You didn't need to log a question for this, you could work it out by running the command without the |wc -l, and then with and without the -b option to see the difference.
  • As per Martin's post - we need to see what you see. Please send output to filename of both commands (without wc) and post files as attachment.