Forum Discussion

thamerthamer's avatar
12 years ago

Disk Pool Re-sizing


Hi ,

i have 2 disks pools  (as showing in the attached)

 1- New_Pool and  (advancedisk)

2- dp_disk_drccbu01 (PureDisk)

everything is working fine with me just initially when we configure new_pool (advance Disk)we have taken all the backup on a storage unit 

which is reside on this pool, later on we decide to configure another disk pool (pureDisk) and create new storage unit and start all backups on it which we need exactly,

now what i need is the bellow:

1)delete New_pool Disk pool (all the images into this pool is not needed).

2)increase the size of dp_disk_drccbu01 (pureDisk) with the free size which is deleted from new_pool.


can someone help me if that's is possible? if yes then how?



  • A storage unit has no relation to the size of the pool so dont confuse storage units with the actual pools

    If you have removed the advanced disk pool (or shrunk it to nothing  - i hope everything you did was using the CLISH or web gui for the appliance) then if it is no longer used you can delete that from the console - you do have to do this in the right order though as per the tech notes

    If the de-dupe pool has been expanded then it would usually update the sizes automatically but if not right click on that disk pool and choose "inventroy disk pool"

    This allows you to run an inventory which basically updates the information about the pool (which would include the new size)

    It may just be how you have written it but it does concern me when you say things like partitioning and created MSDP - did you do anything manually on the appliance here or was it all done viw the CLISH or web GUI?