Forum Discussion

ankmah's avatar
Level 3
12 years ago

Disk staging

I am planning to implement Disk Staging in my enviornment. ....

for this can is do change on my existing Storage unit or have to create new Storage unit?

Date backup is already on existing Disk storage unit will trhis work if i do change on existing Storage disk unit or make this as a  Staging Storage Unit?

Os - Solaris10





Ankit Maheshwari




  • if your existing storage unit is basic disk.

    you can go ahead and enable the staging for the same exisging stoage unit. and provide the staging schedule.

    as per the staging schedule it will start data staging..

    make sure you did set the low water mark for this.


1 Reply

  • if your existing storage unit is basic disk.

    you can go ahead and enable the staging for the same exisging stoage unit. and provide the staging schedule.

    as per the staging schedule it will start data staging..

    make sure you did set the low water mark for this.