Forum Discussion

Lin_Jinlong's avatar
9 years ago

Error 58 and 23


For the past 2 days, we are having issue with one of our client's backup. It has been failing with error 58 and 23.

From client properties, when i try connecting to the client, it sometimes show error (23) socket read fail and sometimes error (25) cannot connect on socket

I have ran bpclntcmd to test and the hostname and ip resolved successfully.

Have ran the bptestbpcd -client -verbose -debug 

bpcd logs from client as follows

10:36:41.854 [4384.5904] <8> vnet_get_peer_sock_names: [vnet_nbrntd.c:259] getsockname() failed 10038 0x2736
10:36:41.854 [4384.5904] <8> get_peer_or_sock_name: [vnet_nbrntd.c:706] vnet_get_peer_sock_names() failed 10 0xa
10:36:41.854 [4384.5904] <2> vnet_pbxAcceptSocket: nb_getpeername on accepted sock failed returns error 10038:An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket. 
10:36:41.854 [4384.5904] <2> vnet_pbxAcceptSocket: ../../libvlibs/vnet_pbx.c.278: setting accepted sock to blocking returns error 10038:An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket. 
10:36:41.854 [4384.5904] <2> daemon_select_and_accept: vnet_pbxAcceptSocket() failed: 17
10:36:41.854 [4384.5904] <2> bpcd main: accept sock = 504
10:36:41.917 [5948.5488] <2> setup_debug_log: switched debug log file for bpcd
10:36:41.917 [5948.5488] <4> bpcd main: VERBOSE=0, BPCD VERBOSE=0 Timestamp=1446263647
10:36:41.917 [5948.5488] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpcd.exe -standalone 
10:36:41.917 [5948.5488] <2> process_requests: offset to GMT -28800
10:36:41.932 [5948.5488] <2> logconnections: BPCD ACCEPT FROM TO fd = 504
10:36:41.932 [5948.5488] <2> process_requests: setup_sockopts complete
10:36:41.932 [5948.5488] <2> bpcd peer_hostname: Connection from host dslitme01sv ( port 64523
10:36:41.932 [5948.5488] <2> bpcd valid_server: comparing dslitbk01sv and dslitme01sv
10:36:41.932 [5948.5488] <2> bpcd valid_server: comparing dslitme01sv and dslitme01sv
10:36:41.932 [5948.5488] <4> bpcd valid_server: hostname comparison succeeded
10:36:41.932 [5948.5488] <2> get_short_base: (1) cannot read (byte 1) from network: A non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately. 
10:36:41.932 [5948.5488] <2> process_requests: output socket port number = 65533
10:36:42.947 [5948.5488] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:1700] getsockopt SO_ERROR returned 10061 0x274d
10:36:44.975 [5948.5488] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:1700] getsockopt SO_ERROR returned 10061 0x274d
10:36:47.985 [5948.5488] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:1700] getsockopt SO_ERROR returned 10061 0x274d
10:36:52.993 [5948.5488] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:1700] getsockopt SO_ERROR returned 10061 0x274d
10:37:01.995 [5948.5488] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:1700] getsockopt SO_ERROR returned 10061 0x274d
10:37:01.995 [5948.5488] <16> connect_to_service: connect failed STATUS (18) CONNECT_FAILED
    status: FAILED, (42) CONNECT_REFUSED; system: (10061) No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. ; FROM TO 65533
10:37:01.995 [5948.5488] <8> vnet_connect_to_reserved_service: [vnet_connect.c:351] connect_to_service() failed 18 0x12
10:37:01.995 [5948.5488] <8> vnet_connect_to_third_party_service: [vnet_connect.c:317] vnet_connect_to_reserved_service() failed 18 0x12
10:37:01.995 [5948.5488] <16> process_requests:  vnet_connect_to_third_party_service failed: 18
11:33:11.354 [4384.5904] <8> vnet_get_peer_sock_names: [vnet_nbrntd.c:259] getsockname() failed 10038 0x2736
11:33:11.354 [4384.5904] <8> get_peer_or_sock_name: [vnet_nbrntd.c:706] vnet_get_peer_sock_names() failed 10 0xa
11:33:11.354 [4384.5904] <2> vnet_pbxAcceptSocket: nb_getpeername on accepted sock failed returns error 10038:An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket. 
11:33:11.354 [4384.5904] <2> vnet_pbxAcceptSocket: ../../libvlibs/vnet_pbx.c.278: setting accepted sock to blocking returns error 10038:An operation was attempted on something that is not a socket. 
11:33:11.354 [4384.5904] <2> daemon_select_and_accept: vnet_pbxAcceptSocket() failed: 17
11:33:11.354 [4384.5904] <2> bpcd main: accept sock = 472
11:33:11.432 [4228.4564] <2> setup_debug_log: switched debug log file for bpcd
11:33:11.432 [4228.4564] <4> bpcd main: VERBOSE=0, BPCD VERBOSE=0 Timestamp=1446263647
11:33:11.432 [4228.4564] <2> logparams: C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\bpcd.exe -standalone 
11:33:11.432 [4228.4564] <2> process_requests: offset to GMT -28800
11:33:11.432 [4228.4564] <2> logconnections: BPCD ACCEPT FROM TO fd = 472
11:33:11.432 [4228.4564] <2> process_requests: setup_sockopts complete
11:33:11.432 [4228.4564] <2> bpcd peer_hostname: Connection from host dslitbk01sv ( port 55918
11:33:11.432 [4228.4564] <2> bpcd valid_server: comparing dslitbk01sv and dslitbk01sv
11:33:11.432 [4228.4564] <4> bpcd valid_server: hostname comparison succeeded
11:33:11.448 [4228.4564] <2> get_short_base: (1) cannot read (byte 1) from network: A non-blocking socket operation could not be completed immediately. 
11:33:11.448 [4228.4564] <2> process_requests: output socket port number = 65533
11:33:12.446 [4228.4564] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:1700] getsockopt SO_ERROR returned 10061 0x274d
11:33:14.474 [4228.4564] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:1700] getsockopt SO_ERROR returned 10061 0x274d
11:33:17.485 [4228.4564] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:1700] getsockopt SO_ERROR returned 10061 0x274d
11:33:22.493 [4228.4564] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:1700] getsockopt SO_ERROR returned 10061 0x274d
11:33:31.494 [4228.4564] <8> async_connect: [vnet_connect.c:1700] getsockopt SO_ERROR returned 10061 0x274d
11:33:31.494 [4228.4564] <16> connect_to_service: connect failed STATUS (18) CONNECT_FAILED
    status: FAILED, (42) CONNECT_REFUSED; system: (10061) No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it. ; FROM TO 65533
11:33:31.494 [4228.4564] <8> vnet_connect_to_reserved_service: [vnet_connect.c:351] connect_to_service() failed 18 0x12
11:33:31.494 [4228.4564] <8> vnet_connect_to_third_party_service: [vnet_connect.c:317] vnet_connect_to_reserved_service() failed 18 0x12
11:33:31.494 [4228.4564] <16> process_requests:  vnet_connect_to_third_party_service failed: 18

  • check the ping, traceroute and telnet port 1556 13782 13724 and post here the output

  • check the ping, traceroute and telnet port 1556 13782 13724 and post here the output

  • hi fawad, thanks for the reply.

    Telnet from master server to client for the mentioned ports are all successful.



    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>ping clienthostname


    Pinging clienthostname [172.xx.xx.61] with 32 bytes of data:

    Reply from 172.xx.xx.61 bytes-32 time<1ms TTL-127

    Reply from 172.xx.xx.61 bytes-32 time<1ms TTL-127

    Reply from 172.xx.xx.61 bytes-32 time<1ms TTL-127

    Reply from 172.xx.xx.61 bytes-32 time<1ms TTL-127


    Ping statistics for 172.xx.xx.61:

         Packets: Sent = 4, Received = 4 Lost = 0 (0% loss),

    Approximate round trip times in milli-seconds:

         Minimum = 0ms, Maximum = 0ms, Average = 0ms


    C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin\admincmd>tracert clienthostname


    Tracing route to clienthostname [172.xx.xx.61]

    over a maximum of 30 hops:


     1     3 ms     2 ms     2 ms     192.xx.xx.99

     2    <1 ms    <1 ms    <1 ms clienthostname [172.xx.xx.61]


    Trace complete.

  • sorry my bad. port 13782 and 13724 were unsuccessful. May i know what these 2 ports are for? 

  • 13782 is bpcd and 13724 is vnetd.

    log in to the client and check if 13782 is listening using netstat -a

    If it is not, check if bpcd is running


  • yes login to client 

    if these services not responding try to start services again after stop all

    like bp.kill_al


    before kill all check services are really off or not with bpps -x command


    and then check connectivicty via telnet if failed again ask your network administrator to open these ports

  • also check hosname configured in host file on master server and media server 

  • Hi all,

    Thanks for the suggestions and help. Issue was resolved after the client was rebooted.