Forum Discussion

robertoaxity's avatar
5 years ago

Error 7658 backup client Linux Redhat

Hello, When execute the manual policy i have the next error code 7658. : (7658) Connection cannot be established because the host validation cannot be performed on the target Clien Properties: T...
  • Krutons's avatar
    5 years ago

    Is this a net new client in your environment? Like you haven't had another client with same IP/Name before?

    You could blow away all the certs on the client and rebuild. Run these from the client.

    nbcertcmd -listCACertdetails

    Copy the SHA1 fingerprint for the next command.
    nbcertcmd -removeCACertificate -fingerPrint

    Paste the fingerprint.

    nbcertcmd -deleteAllCertificates

    nbcertcmd -getCACertificate -server <master>

    Use the reissue token you created.

    nbcertcmd -getCertificate -server <master> -token