Forum Discussion

robertoaxity's avatar
5 years ago

Error add new media server


I have a new media server, installed, with the /etc/hosts in media and master, i add the media en bp.conf, in the GUI console when i see the new media server  is  active for disk, but in media server client cant no connect, client hostname could not be found, when i try restart media from gui (could not connect to vmd on host - mm (70) ), in the media server vmd is runing

the media server in gui is add how example test (but in the master server /etc/host is test and, is not add with domain in gui, when i use the command:

./bpclntcmd -ip test ( error hostname not found)

./bpclntcmd -ip (succes)




Help please.



  • Hello,

    But i solved, i install again the media and configure FQDN.

    Thanks for your help

2 Replies

  • Can you share the bp.conf of the master and media? 

    From the master server, run:

    nbemmcmd -listhosts -verbose

    Note the name of the media server as it appears in EMM, and ensure that it is correct and consistently used throughout the bp.conf of both servers.

    On the media server's bp.conf, make sure that the EMMSERVER = <master server name>

    If the entry wasn't present (or was incorrect), restart NBU services on the media server. Once NBU processes come up, run:

    nbemmcmd -getemmserver

    nbemmcmd -listhosts -verbose

    If it returns successfully, you should be good to go.

    If the EMMSERVER entry is correct, there is probably a hostname inconsistency somewhere between the master and media server's bp.conf files.

    Before changing any of the bp.conf entries, check the hostname for both the master and media server (Network > Hostname for appliances, hostname if Linux server). 

    From the media server, run:

    bpclntcmd -pn

    This will have the media server reach out to the master server and request its information. If you receive an error from this command, check the bprd logs on the master server (would also help to temporarily increase bprd logging to troubleshoot)

    From the master server, run:

    bptestbpcd -client <media server name> -verbose -debug

    Look for any errors in the output. 

    On the media server bp.conf, check the following parameters:

    SERVER = <master server name> (this should always appear first)

    SERVER = <media server name>

    EMMSERVER = <master server name>

    CLIENT_NAME = <media server name>

    If you correct/change anything, you'll need to restart NBU processes. I'd also restart PBX if you identify hostname inconsistencies.

    If the above steps don't point you in the right direction, or if everything above is already accurate, check the vm.conf file located at: /usr/openv/volmgr. If it doesn't exist, or is 0 bytes, copy an existing vm.conf from a fully functioning media server onto the new server (making sure to alter the SERVER entries to specify the new media server). If this appears to be the case, use the below steps to recreate the vm.conf:

    If a vm.conf file is already present, back it up first:

    cp /usr/openv/volmgr/vm.conf /usr/openv/volmgr/vm.conf.old

    Make a new vm.conf based off of a functioning media server:

    vi /usr/openv/volmgr/vm.conf (copy/paste known-good vm.conf into vi and change the parameters as needed)

    If you alter or recreate the vm.conf file, you'll need to restart ltid and vmd, so it's probably best to stop NBU services (including PBX, just to be safe), make changes as needed, then restart PBX/NBU processes. 

    • robertoaxity's avatar


      But i solved, i install again the media and configure FQDN.

      Thanks for your help