Forum Discussion

marcoplaul91's avatar
6 years ago

error code 41 network connection timed out

Hello Experts, I am facing status code 41 in my environment stating Network Connection Time Out. Ping and network connectivity is fine We are having Netbackup 7.7 version for MASTER and MEDIA. 7.6...
  • Nicolai's avatar
    6 years ago

    Status code 41 is likely because Netbackup reaches a directory with million of small files, seen that many times before. Backup stopping at the same number GB is for sure a strong indicator.

    Use this tech note to debug the location of the "offending" directory: 

    Unix client backup jobs hang during the backup:

    If the Linux client has Oracle installed - by best guess would be the audit log directory for Oracle. 

    Use the exclude_list to exclude the area for backup, then ask the "owner" of the directory, to perform clean-up so backup can start working again.