Forum Discussion

Rami_Nasser1's avatar
13 years ago

error when restoring some files

Kindly find the bellow error while trying to restore some files (we tried this about 3 times from backup taken from the same server and from another server) so please help ASAP:


6/10/2012 8:37:12 PM - begin Restore

6/10/2012 8:37:22 PM - 1 images required

6/10/2012 8:37:22 PM - media 041AIA required

6/10/2012 8:37:26 PM - restoring image dbprod_1339183543

6/10/2012 8:37:28 PM - requesting resource 041AIA

6/10/2012 8:37:29 PM - connecting

6/10/2012 8:37:32 PM - connected; connect time: 00:00:03

6/10/2012 8:37:32 PM - started process bptm (10028)

6/10/2012 8:37:32 PM - mounting 041AIA

6/10/2012 8:37:32 PM - granted resource 041AIA

6/10/2012 8:37:32 PM - granted resource IBMULT3580-TD22

6/10/2012 8:38:01 PM - mounted; mount time: 00:00:29

6/10/2012 8:38:01 PM - positioning 041AIA to file 1

6/10/2012 8:38:01 PM - positioned 041AIA; position time: 00:00:00

6/10/2012 8:38:01 PM - begin reading

6/10/2012 8:42:32 PM - positioning 041AIA to file 2

6/10/2012 8:42:32 PM - positioned 041AIA; position time: 00:00:00

6/10/2012 8:46:24 PM - Error bptm(pid=8960) cannot write data to socket, 10053      

6/10/2012 8:46:24 PM - Error bptm(pid=8960) The following files/folders were not restored:      

6/10/2012 8:46:24 PM - Error bptm(pid=8960) UTF - /u04/oracledb/prdn/prdndata/applsysd06.dbf         

6/10/2012 8:46:24 PM - Error bptm(pid=8960) UTF - /u04/oracledb/prdn/prdndata/akx01.dbf         

6/10/2012 8:46:24 PM - Error bptm(pid=8960) UTF - /u04/oracledb/prdn/prdndata/amfx01.dbf         

6/10/2012 8:46:24 PM - Error bptm(pid=8960) UTF - /u04/oracledb/prdn/prdndata/asfd01.dbf         

6/10/2012 8:46:24 PM - Error bptm(pid=8960) UTF - /u04/oracledb/prdn/prdndata/applsysd02.dbf         

6/10/2012 8:46:24 PM - Error bptm(pid=8960) UTF - /u04/oracledb/prdn/prdndata/arx01.dbf         

6/10/2012 8:46:24 PM - Error bptm(pid=8960) UTF - /u04/oracledb/prdn/prdndata/astx01.dbf         

6/10/2012 8:46:24 PM - Error bptm(pid=8960) UTF - /u04/oracledb/prdn/prdndata/azd01.dbf         

6/10/2012 8:46:24 PM - Error bptm(pid=8960) UTF - /u04/oracledb/prdn/prdndata/ahmd01.dbf         

6/10/2012 8:46:24 PM - Error bptm(pid=8960) UTF - /u04/oracledb/prdn/prdndata/bicx01.dbf         

6/10/2012 8:46:24 PM - Error bptm(pid=8960) more than 10 files were not restored, remaining ones are shown in the progress log.

6/10/2012 9:16:58 PM - restored image dbprod_1339183543 - (socket write failed(24)); restore time 00:39:32

6/10/2012 9:16:58 PM - Warning bprd(pid=8648) Restore must be resumed prior to first image expiration on 9/9/2012 10:25:43 PM

6/10/2012 9:16:58 PM - end Restore; elapsed time: 00:39:46

the restore failed to recover the requested files(5)





  • Your job details show the following two lines:

    6/10/2012 8:37:32 PM - connected; connect time: 00:00:03

    6/10/2012 8:46:24 PM - Error bptm(pid=8960) cannot write data to socket, 10053

    This indicates that it can connect to the client but cannot write data to the specified location - the 10053 network error is just spurious so ignore it - this is a data write issue.

    It will be caused by one of 2 things:

    1. rights to place files in that location

    2. Inability to overwrite the files - as Praveen says they may be live and located database files - so either restore them to an alternate location or, as long as you are totally sure about what you are doing, take down Oracle first to release the lock and restore them - but be very careful - this sounds like a Production database!

    Hope this helps

14 Replies

  • As per my post earlier today:

    Please ensure all of following log folders exist before trying another restore:

    On master: bprd (restart NBU to enable this log)
    On media server: bptm and bpbrm
    On client: bpcd and tar

    Please rename log folders to reflect process name (e.g. bprd.txt) and post as attachments.

    You will need logs to pinpoint break in communication.

    At this point it seems like media server -> client comms problem.

    In what state is Oracle when doing file-level backups? Hopefully down?

    In what state is Oracle when attempting restore to same location? Hopefully down?


  • As the files you are trying to restore are oracle database files to the orginal location, there is a chance Oracle is using the previous version of the existing files.

    Try restoring to alternate location once. if it works then you can move the files manually later when oracle is not using these files or when you take the database down.

    As you took a file level backup instead of agent backup, netbackup donot have permissions to write dbf files in original location.



  • Your job details show the following two lines:

    6/10/2012 8:37:32 PM - connected; connect time: 00:00:03

    6/10/2012 8:46:24 PM - Error bptm(pid=8960) cannot write data to socket, 10053

    This indicates that it can connect to the client but cannot write data to the specified location - the 10053 network error is just spurious so ignore it - this is a data write issue.

    It will be caused by one of 2 things:

    1. rights to place files in that location

    2. Inability to overwrite the files - as Praveen says they may be live and located database files - so either restore them to an alternate location or, as long as you are totally sure about what you are doing, take down Oracle first to release the lock and restore them - but be very careful - this sounds like a Production database!

    Hope this helps