Forum Discussion

Govarthanagiri's avatar
10 years ago

error while creating SRT on Redhat linux client/boot server

Hi All,

NBU  =  (appliance)

Client= Redhat 5.9

i am getting the below error when i am trying to create SRT on my linux server .

as i chcked, the compatability  of  linux OS (RH 5.9) with NBU version( is OK for BMR client/ boot server. so can you please help me to resolve the issue

[root@pasoncom bin]#
[root@pasoncom bin]# ./bmrsrtadm

Select one of the following options:

    1.  Create a new Shared Resource Tree.
    2.  Create a new CD image based Shared Resource Tree.
    3.  Copy an existing Shared Resource Tree to a new location.
    4.  Import a Shared Resource Tree.
    5.  Modify an existing Shared Resource Tree.
    6.  Delete an existing Shared Resource Tree.
    7.  List Shared Resource Trees available on this server.
    8.  Quit.

Enter your selection (1-8) [1] : 1
Enter the name of the SRT to create : COMIMAGE
Enter the description of the new SRT : COMBMRIMAGE
Enter the desired RedHat level (3/3.0 or 4/4.0 or 5/5.0) [5.0] :
Enter the desired architecture (i686 or x86_64) [x86_64] :
Enter the directory in which to place the new SRT [/export/srt] : /netbackup
Creating repository to stow files from distribution media.

The following media is required:

    Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.0 (x86_64) - disc 1 of 5

Please load the media now.

Load media from (? for help) [/dev/cdrom] : /mnt/iso
V-125-380 /mnt/iso/.discinfo(2): expected "Linux Server 5", got "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5"
The loaded media is not correct ... please try again.

The following media is required:

    Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.0 (x86_64) - disc 1 of 5

Please load the media now.

Load media from (? for help) [/mnt/iso] :




  • Hi Govarthanagiri,

    looking again at your original post:

    V-125-380 /mnt/iso/.discinfo(2): expected "Linux Server 5", got "Red Hat Enterprise Linux 5"

    the expected entry is "Linux Server 5"


16 Replies

  • Hi Konstantinos,

    yes i can able to create the SRT usign 5.6 image ... but i am getting error in network part as mentioned below



    The following media is required:

        Red Hat Enterprise Linux Server release 5.0 (x86_64) - disc 1 of 5

    Please load the media now.

    Load media from (? for help) [/dev/cdrom] : /mnt/redhat56
    Extracting files ...............................................................

    The following media is required:

        Symantec BMR Third-Party Products CD (3PPCD)

    Please load the media now.

    Load media from (? for help) [/dev/cdrom] :
    Mounting media ... mount: No medium found
    Cannot mount media, please try again.
    Load media from (? for help) [/dev/cdrom] : /mnt/ppd
    Working ... ok.

    The media repository is now complete.
    Working ........................................................................
    Working .................................... ok.
    Preparing boot files - please stand by...

    The following media is required:

        NetBackup Client

    Please load the media now.

    Load media from (? for help) [/dev/cdrom] : /netbackup/SYMCnbclient_Linux-RedHat
    Mounting media ... ok.
    The NetBackup Client installation script will run now.

    Symantec Installation Script
    Copyright 1993 - 2013 Symantec Corporation, All Rights Reserved.

            Installing NetBackup Client Software

    Please review the SYMANTEC SOFTWARE LICENSE AGREEMENT located on
    the installation media before proceeding.  The agreement includes
    details on the NetBackup Product Improvement Program.

    For NetBackup installation and upgrade information specific to your
    platform and to find out if your installed EEBs or hot fixes are
    contained in this release, check out the Symantec Operations Readiness
    Tools (SORT) Installation and Upgrade Checklist and Hot fix and EEB
    Release Auditor, respectively, at

    Do you wish to continue? [y,n] (y)
    Do you want to install the NetBackup client software for this client? [y,n] (y)

    This package will install Linux/RedHat2.6.18 client.

    This package will install NetBackup client

    Enter the name of the NetBackup server : vtcnb01

    Would you like to use "pasoncom" as the configured
    name of the NetBackup client? [y,n] (y)

    Client binaries are located in //mnt/NBClients/anb/Clients/usr/openv/netbackup/c

    Installing PBX...
    Please wait while installation is in progress...
    Installation completed Successfully
    Installation log located here: /var/tmp/installpbx-3091-082214014821.log

    Unpacking SYMCnbclt package.
    Checking for pre-existing SYMCnbclt package.
    Installing SYMCnbclt package.
    Installation of SYMCnbclt was successful.
    More details regarding SYMCnbclt can be found in file
    /tmp/install_cltpkg_trace.3010 on pasoncom.
    Checking network connections.
    DNS Lookup failed for host pasoncom error:-3!
    bp.conf: IP_ADDRESS_FAMILY = AF_INET: default value, no update needed

    No [x]inetd process found.

    File /usr/openv/tmp/install_trace.2883 contains a trace of this install.
    That file can be deleted after you are sure the install was successful.

    The NetBackup Client installation script has completed.
    Unmounting media ... ok.
    [Info] V-125-668 SRT "comimage" has been initialized successfully.

    SRT name:      comimage
    Location:      /netbackup/comimage
    Description:   combootimage
    Exclusive use: (none)

    You may make modifications to this SRT.
    Select one of the following options:

        1.  Install Symantec NetBackup Maintenance Pack.
        2.  Install Veritas Volume Manager and Veritas File System.
        3.  Update Veritas Volume Manager and Veritas File System.
        4.  Install Veritas Security Services.
        5.  Install additional patches/drivers.
        6.  Change SRT description.
        7.  Change client exclusive use of this SRT.
        8.  Quit.






  • You can do a hostfile entry of host "pasoncom", is that is already in place, you may ignore DNS error.

  • I just saw the posted comments for this thread and need to make some major changes for the environment.

    First. RHEL 5.9 BMR client/Boot Server support started with NBU (GA) release. It is not supported in NBU release. .That is part of the cause of the SRT creation problem. And yes, the OS compatibility listing is incorrect for this.  I will report it to the proper team.


    The Tech arrticle noted does indeed reflect the base line cause of the OS load errors, but for Suse 11 SP2. RHEL 5.9 is at a hgher 3.X kernel versioning as well.

    The update release version of the OS should be as high or higher than the client image being restored. This is important for RH 5.9 as it introduced a new kernel release.The release major number needs to match. i.e. a RHEL 5.X SRT is needed to restore RHEL 5.X client images. RHEL 6.X SRT will not do and a Prepare To Restore will fail if you try to use the wrong version.

    Just to be clear on Red Hat Linux supported levels:

    Red Hat Version 4.X is supported up to NBU 7.1.0.X. It is not supported at 7.5 and later.
    Red Hat Version 5.0 through 5.7 are supported on NBU 7.0 or later.
    Red Hat Version 5.8 support requires NBU or later.
    Red Hat Version 5.9 requires NBU or later.
    Red Hat Version 6.0 through 6.3 are supported on NBU or later.
    Red Hat Version 6.4 requires 7.6 or later.
    Red Hat Version 6.5 Requiems or later.

    Only 64 bit installs are supported with NBU 7.X.


  • Please look at this article for better details on BMR Boot Servers and SRT creation.  I have just updated it to reflect latest NBU 7.6 information and cleared out old NBU 6.5 information. 

    Requirements for Bare Metal Restore (BMR) Boot Servers