Forum Discussion

raj08's avatar
Level 4
13 years ago

Find Netbackup Client Version

Hi All,

I have two questions.

1. We have around 400 NBU clients connected to our master serer. We need to find the version of all the clients. Is there any command to find out the client version?

I am able to find the version in GUI, but am not able to export it. Even if I export, it gives me all the client details which is again tedious to sort only the client version.

2. What is the best way to upgrade client verson from 6.5 to 7.1. Would we be able to upgrade it lively? Or we need to uninstall the older version and reinstall new?


Thank you in advance. :)




  • I have tried to explain in my previous post - only HP-UX client software is installed on the master as part of Server installation.

    If you want to push updates for anything other that HP-UX (e.g. AIX, Linux, Solaris, etc) you need to install Client software on the master for all required Client OS versions.
    Master server can only push the Client software that is installed on the master.

    See Installing client type software on a master server in NBU Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux


  • Hi Amol,


    Thanks for the URL. This would be the best script to get all client version. Could you please able to explain why we have to follow uninstalling Older version and Reinstalling new?






  • Hi Ashish,


    Thanks for your reply. This update_client script seems to be interesting. So, before running this script, should I need to create a file of only Linix/Unix servers? Or this scripts is smart enough to recognize and update only Unix/Linux machines.


    And also some of my Unix/Linux machines already been upgraded to 7.1 version. So I belive this script will leave that client untoched.


    If I put it in simple way, should I blindly run this script "update_client" irrespective of Windows/Unix-based clients and the version of NBU clients??




  • You are correct - update_clients will only update Unix/Linux clients. It will check version file on client before trying to update. Clients that are no longer supported in 7.x (e.g. 32-bit Linux) will fail.
    There is no need to uninstall old NBU client.

    The assumption here is that you have a Unix/Linux master? You never told us...
    You will have to install Client software on the master for all Unix/Linux versions on your clients.
    If you have a Solaris master, only Solaris client software is installed by default on the master.

  • Hi Marianne,


    We are using HP-UX 11.31 as master. But I don't understand why I should install Client software on the master. My assumption was master server would be able to push clients the required software.


    So as per your comment, do I need to install NBU client also in the master. In that case, we have Linux as well as HP-UX as clients. So do I need to install both the client versions in the master? My question is, would it not affect the master configurations??




  • I have tried to explain in my previous post - only HP-UX client software is installed on the master as part of Server installation.

    If you want to push updates for anything other that HP-UX (e.g. AIX, Linux, Solaris, etc) you need to install Client software on the master for all required Client OS versions.
    Master server can only push the Client software that is installed on the master.

    See Installing client type software on a master server in NBU Installation Guide for UNIX and Linux


  • Thanks all for your inputs and links. Sorry for th late response.
