Forum Discussion

manatee's avatar
Level 6
8 years ago

first time - NBU install/DR exercise

i've got my test VM, obviously with lesser specs but i've managed to recreate the same partitions/folders that existed in my production NBU master/media server.

i'm installing 7.6 GA now and the screen has been like this for several minutes now (see below). shall i continue to wait or cancel?

The following automatic startup and shutdown scripts (respectively)
have been installed. They will cause the NetBackup daemons to be
automatically shut down and restarted each time the system boots.


Installation of Java LiveUpdate agent succeeded. Refer to file
/tmp/JLU-Log/JavaLiveUpdate-Install.log on test-nbu
for installation details.

Checking LiveUpdate registration for the following products: NB CLT
This may take a few minutes.

Product NB is installed and will be registered.
Product CLT_Linux-PSERIES is installed and will be registered.
Product CLT_Linux-ZSERIES is installed and will be registered.

Updating LiveUpdate registration now...this may take some time.

28 Replies

  • it's taking time so i cancelled and re-run the install script. this time it timed out after a few seconds. continuing, it spewed out the following messages. i can only guess that it's because i didn't start the installation in a separate network from the production NBU.

    Machine test-nbu is a master server, and it is not the EMMSERVER.
    Converting STREAMS files.  This may take a few minutes.
    STREAMS files conversion is complete.
    Successfully updated the session cache parameters.
    Configuring nbatd.
    Gathering configuration information.
    Waiting for the security services to start operation.
    Unable to setup trust with the Netbackup authentication broker. Please check that Netbackup is installed correctly.
    Unable to contact Authentication server.
    Creating /usr/openv/tmp/sqlany
    Installed SQL Anywhere Version
    Installation completed successfully
    Creating WSL server certificate ...
    set_value: Key "AZDBPasswordFilePath" successfully updated
    AZ database setup complete.
    This is not a EMM and Master server, exiting
    Migrating SLP definitions into the NetBackup relational database.
    Starting the NetBackup Event Manager.
    Starting the NetBackup Audit Manager.
    Starting the NetBackup Deduplication Manager.
    Starting the NetBackup Deduplication Engine.
    Starting the NetBackup Deduplication Multi-Threaded Agent.
    Starting the NetBackup database manager process (bpdbm).
    ERROR:   Unable to start NetBackup daemon bpdbm.  Rerun
             /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/install_bp when the problem
             has been resolved.
      • manatee's avatar
        Level 6

        yes but only contains info for this server "test-nbu".

        i'm separating its network now and will reinstall.

    • Marianne's avatar
      Level 6

      Something wrong with hostname or hostname resolution of itself. 

      Machine test-nbu is a master server, and it is not the EMMSERVER.
      This is not a EMM and Master server, exiting

       What is output of 'hostname' for itself on the test master? 

      Did you go through all the requirements in Installation Guide?
      (You won't believe this, not so long ago we had someone here battling with NBU installation because Networking was not installed as part of OS installation!)

      Do you have /etc/hosts entry for itself?       localhost
      <IP address>    <hostname>

      What did you choose as hostname for EMM and Master during installation? 


      • manatee's avatar
        Level 6

        hostname is "test-nbu" (not same sa NBU master name).

        during install, it asked for master server name. i provided the same name as the current production master server.

        don't recall it asking me for EMM name.