Forum Discussion

wv1's avatar
Level 3
11 years ago

Full or Differential/Incremental Strategy-

Simple requirements for NBu

Weekly Full - 20HRS - ???

Daily Incrementals - 5 HRS - 1 Week Retention

there wud b 6 incrementals throughout week, hence till last increment expires Base Full Copy must not expire, so what retention should i keep for Fulls


With De-Dupe enabled is it good to follow daily Full practise as it would only read complete data or set of data if acclerator is used and wud store changed blocks/segments etc. Just needed clarfication on ur experiences does moving with daily full on dedupe impacts backup window frame or i should re-consider on hybrid strategy (Daily full for few servers and for rest Full+Incrementals etc)


pls share your valuable views :-)




  • Retention levels should meet recovery needs.
    This is a business decision, not something that we can tell you.

    Yes, you should keep Full backup on disk at least till after next full backup.

    When using client-side dedupe with accellerator, you can do full backups all the time. Although the net result will in effect be incremental backups, the image catalog will be for fulls. So, this means increased catalog on the master.

    See Abdul Rasheed's excellent blog about Accelerator:


    captain jack, with close to 16000 comments on Connect, 'granny' is battling to remember all of them!


4 Replies

  • I have moved your post to the NetBackup forum as your question is not directly related to Appliances.

  • hi granny


    one of your post mentioned explanation of how retention were catagorized .(not getting link). Could you pls help with it

  • Retention levels should meet recovery needs.
    This is a business decision, not something that we can tell you.

    Yes, you should keep Full backup on disk at least till after next full backup.

    When using client-side dedupe with accellerator, you can do full backups all the time. Although the net result will in effect be incremental backups, the image catalog will be for fulls. So, this means increased catalog on the master.

    See Abdul Rasheed's excellent blog about Accelerator:


    captain jack, with close to 16000 comments on Connect, 'granny' is battling to remember all of them!


  • Weekly full backup retention is up to your business requirement, but if that's up to you to advise your team, think of the storage capacity and how far you want the ability to get your (old) data back to?

    Usually in the business they also have monthly / quarterly / yearly backup to keep for longer term, and a weekly usually has retention of at least 1 month or longer, depend if you want to have the above defined.

    I would keep Full+incremental. Accelerator feature can be beneficial but do take note it does not replace your incremental. Having Full with accelerator turned out can appear the same, but would increase your catalog size!