Forum Discussion

  • If you mean nbsu it already does - try running nbsu -c -t

    I just ran this on my system and I see:

          Executing diagnostic NBU_license


          /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/admincmd/bpminlicense -verbose


  • I think he means NBSU - the support script, but I could be wrong.


  • I was under the impression that Symantec employees had internal forums where these kind of questions could be asked?

  • They do, SymIQ

    My personal view is that no Sym Employee should be asking technical questions about our products on this forum ...

    I think it is reasonable to ask things such as 3rd party product /hardware questions, or 'environmental' questions as it is not always possible to recreate a big environment in-house, but questions about the product should be asked inside symantec only.


  • Martins answered the License part. EEBs are found in the NBU_versioninfo.txt file which is created by running /usr/openv/netbackup/bin/goodies/support/versioninfo -d on various NBU directories. You will see if any binaries have been replaced.