Forum Discussion

astlavistaah's avatar
5 years ago

Generate detail report in netbackup 8.1 or using opscenter


I would like to generate a detail report ..for example data everyday we are backing up in yearly,monthly,daily along with the number of clients which actively backed up by netbackup 

Looked into the opscenter..but the information is confusing

1 Reply

  • you may need more than 1 report in Opscenter to get the required info from report templets if you are not using advanced repoting or SQLquery.

    1) look for advanced success rate reprot --> it will give you high level info for given timeframe.

    2) job activity--> tabular job details --> this give you the each and every job triggered in given time frame ( i would not run this reprot for montly and yearly for larger envirments)

    3) looks for client summary daskboard report.