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Merv's avatar
Level 6
14 years ago

Getting sharepoint agent backup and restore to work over private backup LAN

Hi All,

Need some urgent help. have been working for over 2 weeks but not sure if these steps are correct.

I have 2 sharepoint environments, prod and uat - both seperate farms

1 x master and media NBU 7GA (solaris 10)
1 x media NBU 7GA(w 2008 r2)

Sharepoint clients-all w2008r2 with moss2007 NBU 7GA:
1 x frontend
1 x index
1 x backend sql
2 x frontend (nlb)
1 x index
2 x backend sql(MSCS)

I was told by support to get backup to work to follow these steps:

On the master/media
Edit the /etc/hosts file and add these:
<backup ip of node1>   <public name of node1>
<backup ip of node2>   <public name of node2>
<backup ip of node3>   <public name of node3>
<backup ip of node4>   <public name of node4>
for example: mossfe1 mossfe2 mossindex mosssql
On each SharePoint node including both passive and active SQL node
1. Edit the c:\windows\system32\drivers\etc\hosts, and add these lines:
<backup ip of that node>   <backup name of that node>
<backup ip of the master server>    <public name of master server>
for example for mossfe1: mossfe1-bk mynbumaster
2. Open the registry, go to:
On the right hand side, create a String Value key called:
And give it the backup name of that node, for example: mossfe1-bk
Additional step for the SQL cluster
From the Cluster Administrator, go to the SQL Server resources and create a virtual IP resource.
Give it a backup IP and bind it with the passive node's backup IP and the active node's backup IP.
Back on the master server
Go to the Host Properties > Clients > double click the node. For example mossfe1.
See if you can access it.
I was first getting error code 26 - handshaking error and now getting a weird Invalid Status Code (-536836945) error after implementing the above:

Error bptm (pid=13393) media manager terminated by parent process
08/30/2010 17:58:25 - Error bpbrm (pid=13384) could not send server status message
08/30/2010 17:58:26 - end writing
Invalid Status Code (-536836945)

However one of the child jobs kicks off and completes with a status 1 backing up some files.

Also another question is configuring my SQL backups based on the above steps. Will it also work properly for the cluster backup and restore?

Thanks in advance.


7 Replies

  • Anyone? i now got my UAT enviroment working but get a status code 1  and looks like it is relating this error.

    owever on production the SQL cluster seems to be in the way...i sitll get the error code 1 now and error similar to the above article but now i get a error code 42. Looks like it cannot find the backend!! 
  • I am having exact same problem. 

    Only difference is my Master and Media Server is Windows 2008R2. 

    I recently upgradet to 7.0.1 and got rid of the status 1 backing up some files on the child jobs, child jobs now give the status: the requested operation was successfully completed(0).

    It will still fail with same message on the last job:  Error bpbrm(pid=2732) could not send server status message       
    end writing
    invalid error number(-536836945)

  • Hi Kareem,

    Same error..and i also resolved that by applying a patch but support recommended i just apply the EEB - eebinstaller.1985939.2.AMD64.exe. This resolved the status 1 on both my prod and UAT.

    I managed to resolve the invalid error number(-536836945). Support told me if could be one of two things. access rights or name resolution. i found that as i was using backup private lan that may be the issue, so experimented with different host file to ip combinations but no joy. managed to finally resolve it as i was forcing my backup through backup lan with this registry setting - 
    On the right hand side, create a String Value key called:
    And give it the backup name of that node, for example: mossfe1-bk
    i removed the "REQUIRED_INTERFACE" key and restarted the netbackup client services on all my sharepoint servers and it got rid of my "invalid error number(-536836945)".Thus backups require connectivity via prod Lan,

    Now i'm faced with 2 outstanding issues. I get a error 42 on my prod sharepoint farm and error 1 (skipped 2 sharepoint objects) on my UAT farm when doing GRT backups
  • Hello Merv!


    Did you resolve the GRT problem? I got fullbackup working after following your steps with "REQUIRED_INTERFACE" key and whent through the documentation one more time. 


    I also got error on GRT backup saying that SHP server could not read backup images on master. So i added a "altnames" folder with a file named "No.Restrictions" after that it worked like a charm. 

    Go to : "install folder" "Veritas\NetBackup\db\" create folder called "altnames" if it does not exist. In this folder create a file called No.Restrictions.


    I got the idea of no.restrictions file from this link:


    Did you have another error on GRT?



  • Hi Kareem,


    My error 42 error was resolved.  I found some vnetd errors in my bpresolver logs on prod farm and found that netbackup requires communication between the sharepoint frontend and backend. I was getting errors on vnetd,bpcd and some rpc ports(135.139,445) for remote registry access. Requested my firewall team to allow access to this ports on my production LAN. I don't think the sharepoint servers are setup to talk over the private interface.


    I'm still working on my GRT issues. Will try that altnames thingy

  • Ok weird,


    I have two test enviroments, one that is now working with fullbackup and GRT.

    I got the 42 error message inn my second test inviroment.

    And error 72 (which seems to be some rights) in prod enviroment. 


    I will retrace my steps and see if i can find the exact problems for these two error messages. 




  • No that my production env is working more or less - i found out I had to enter FQDN hostnames in my hosts file as my backup server is not properly using DNS, but i still have an error 42 on some files on my index server.

    9/14/2010 23:21:36 - Warning bpbrm (pid=29894) from client frontend: WRN - can't open object: Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\Global Settings (index)\Global Settings (BEDS 0xE000FEA9: The Backup Exec data store encountered a problem during the operation. See the job log for details.)


    09/14/2010 23:23:06 - Error bptm (pid=29906) system call failed - Connection reset by peer (at child.c.1296)
    09/14/2010 23:23:06 - Error bptm (pid=29906) unable to perform read from client socket, connection may have been broken
    09/14/2010 23:23:06 - Warning bpbrm (pid=29894) from client frontend: WRN - can't open object: Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\SharedServices\Shared Search Index\Index files 1 (indexserver/334811bd-31d9-4cbb-a43a-02c8d4850bdc)\RegistryBlob.reg (BEDS 0xE000FEA9: The Backup Exec data store encountered a problem during the operation. See the job log for details.)
    09/14/2010 23:23:06 - Warning bpbrm (pid=29894) from client frontend: WRN - can't open object: Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\SharedServices\Shared Search Index\Index files 1 (indexserver/334811bd-31d9-4cbb-a43a-02c8d4850bdc)\Config (BEDS 0xE000FEA9: The Backup Exec data store encountered a problem during the operation. See the job log for details.)
    09/14/2010 23:23:06 - Warning bpbrm (pid=29894) from client frontend: WRN - can't open object: Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\SharedServices\Shared Search Index\Index files 1 (indexserver/334811bd-31d9-4cbb-a43a-02c8d4850bdc)\Config\noiseara.txt (BEDS 0xE000FEA9: The Backup Exec data store encountered a problem during the operation. See the job log for details.)
    09/14/2010 23:23:06 - Warning bpbrm (pid=29894) from client frontend: WRN - can't open object: Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\SharedServices\Shared Search Index\Index files 1 (indexserver/334811bd-31d9-4cbb-a43a-02c8d4850bdc)\Config\noiseben.txt (BEDS 0xE000FEA9: The Backup Exec data store encountered a problem during the operation. See the job log for details.)
    09/14/2010 23:23:07 - Warning bpbrm (pid=29894) from client frontend: WRN - can't open object: Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\SharedServices\Shared Search Index\Index files 1 (indexserver/334811bd-31d9-4cbb-a43a-02c8d4850bdc)\Config\noisebul.txt (BEDS 0xE000FEA9: The Backup Exec data store encountered a problem during the operation. See the job log for details.)
    09/14/2010 23:23:07 - Warning bpbrm (pid=29894) from client frontend: WRN - can't open object: Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\SharedServices\Shared Search Index\Index files 1 (indexserver/334811bd-31d9-4cbb-a43a-02c8d4850bdc)\Config\noisecat.txt (BEDS 0xE000FEA9: The Backup Exec data store encountered a problem during the operation. See the job log for details.)
    09/14/2010 23:23:07 - Warning bpbrm (pid=29894) from client frontend: WRN - can't open object: Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\SharedServices\Shared Search Index\Index files 1 (indexserver/334811bd-31d9-4cbb-a43a-02c8d4850bdc)\Config\noisechs.txt (BEDS 0xE000FEA9: The Backup Exec data store encountered a problem during the operation. See the job log for details.)
    GRT also fails with a error 130 - snapshot error...i'm cannot freeze the DB's for some reason..
    On my test environment GRT is also not working properly
    getting below errors:
    Begin writing
    09/11/2010 21:56:03 - Error bpbrm (pid=6843) from client frontendtest: ERR - Error encountered while attempting to get additional files for Microsoft SharePoint Resources:\WSS_Administration\WebApplication\Content-DB 1 (backendserver/SharePoint_AdminContent_2cea52c4-c864-46f4-95f1-47c09a1070cc)\_Granular_Devices_
    09/11/2010 21:56:09 - end writing; write time: 3:50:51
    the requested operation was partially successful  (1)
    For error 42:
    make sure you enable bpresolver,beds,bpbkar,bpcd and in my case with the snapshot error when doing GRT - bpfis.
    Also check that you can connect on(using telnet) bpcd/vnetd ports between frontend and backend both ways..and also the rpc ports i mentioned earlier.
    you can use bpclntcmd -pn ,bplcntcmd -hn,bpclntcmd - ip to check through all the connectivity but bpresolver logs should show some errors.