Forum Discussion

Haitham's avatar
Level 4
10 years ago

how can we export Netbackup configuration to excel

can we export Netbackup configuration to excel 

1- Polices 

2- clients

3- San Clients

4-media servers ,...etc



  • Some yes some no or at lease some you will be able to work with in Excel. It will be a two step operation.

    1. Click on the high level (e.g. Policies) in the right pane select all
    2. Right click select export

    Note: This works only with the Java Console. It also does not work for client since it puts out a lot of data but it is not in a csv or tab delimited format so importing it into Excel is not doable without a lot of massaging. You will also need to edit the resulting text file but only to remove the extra lines. 

7 Replies

  • Some yes some no or at lease some you will be able to work with in Excel. It will be a two step operation.

    1. Click on the high level (e.g. Policies) in the right pane select all
    2. Right click select export

    Note: This works only with the Java Console. It also does not work for client since it puts out a lot of data but it is not in a csv or tab delimited format so importing it into Excel is not doable without a lot of massaging. You will also need to edit the resulting text file but only to remove the extra lines. 

  • I have exported bpimage data to a text file and then imported into an excel sheet but when trying to sort the backup or expiry date in ascending or descending excel sees a large number approx 60% of the data as text rather than date. I have tried all sorts of formatting techniques and some from microsoft tech sites but have had no luck. I am wondering why the netbackup export has two types of formats in the data related to the dates.

  • The exercise is in reponse to an audit that the organization is preparing the requirement is to gather information of all policies that have a retention period of 10 years.

    The organization is global and teams from around the globe are doing the same: basically running

    bpimagelist -client <hostname> -d -e with a date range -U > /tmp/file.txt

    The sanity of this output is being compared against a perl script that gathers similar data over the same date range. If the two reporst match then integrity is verified

    The problem is that the date columns in the 2 outputs are are opposite in the sense that one is in the ascending order and the other descending. Once imported into an excel I was hoping to sort the dates so that they both matched, however it appears the random bacthes of dates are fortmatted as text as opposed to dates and do not respond to any formatting instructions sent via excel.



  • Are you the same person who started this discussion in June? Your request is different from the original request. Please start a new discussion for your issue.