Forum Discussion

wannawin's avatar
Level 6
11 years ago

How to install SQL agent

Hello Team,

There is a request to install sql agent in windows client and add them in a backup rotation.

Client details:

windows client is : windows server 2008 R2

netbackup 7.1 has been installed

master server : Linux 2.6, netbackup is

From where i will install sql agent and which sql agent version is compatible

how i came to know that which i have to select in backup selection list




  • Your Windows client should already have had a SQL agent installed, as all agents are included in a 7.1 install; you just need to apply a valid license key to enable it.

    May I recommend applying at the very least?

    Maintenance Release NB_7.1.0.4.winnt.x86.exe provides fixes to the Symantec NetBackup (tm) Enterprise Server / Server 7.1 on 32-bit Windows Professional server and clients. It also contains fixes for NetBackup Add-on products and Database Agents.

    Maintenance Release NB_7.1.0.4.winnt.x64.exe provides fixes to the Symantec NetBackup (tm) Enterprise Server / Server 7.1 on x64 Windows server and clients. It also contains fixes for NetBackup Add-on products and Database Agents.

    Hopefully whomever is requesting that you start doing SQL backups on the client will also be able to supply you with the information you need to add that client to a policy.

6 Replies

  • Your Windows client should already have had a SQL agent installed, as all agents are included in a 7.1 install; you just need to apply a valid license key to enable it.

    May I recommend applying at the very least?

    Maintenance Release NB_7.1.0.4.winnt.x86.exe provides fixes to the Symantec NetBackup (tm) Enterprise Server / Server 7.1 on 32-bit Windows Professional server and clients. It also contains fixes for NetBackup Add-on products and Database Agents.

    Maintenance Release NB_7.1.0.4.winnt.x64.exe provides fixes to the Symantec NetBackup (tm) Enterprise Server / Server 7.1 on x64 Windows server and clients. It also contains fixes for NetBackup Add-on products and Database Agents.

    Hopefully whomever is requesting that you start doing SQL backups on the client will also be able to supply you with the information you need to add that client to a policy.

  • Hello CRZ.

    did not get "May I recommend applying at the very least": you want me to upgrade client to

    Sorry bit confused. :(


  • REALLY I'd like everything at (today, that is) smiley but I recommended as the last maintenance release in the 7.1 line.  It's not necessarily relevant to your question about the SQL agent, just good tech support advice.

    The answer to your original question is "the agent should already be installed and you shouldn't have to do anything on that client" (barring MAYBE having to apply a license to enable the agent).

  • Hello CRZ,

    Thanks for your kind help. will let you know if stuck somewhere. :)

  • Hello CRZ,

    One more question..

    what we backed up in sql policy...

    1. (.bch files, transection logs)

    2. Database team needs to create some script or we mention path of that script in Backup selection.

    3. They dumped these on any drive and we will take backup of that drive..

    What are the possibilities of taking backup selection of sql backups?



  • The NBU SQL Admin Guide is your friend: 

    It explains how to create policies, how to create scripts and how to take care of transaction logs.

    Work with your dba's - let them create the scripts and give you path name to scripts which you will add to backup policies.
    They will also change NBU Client Service logon account to a domain user with sufficient privileges for backup and restore.

    All of the above explained in the manual.