Forum Discussion

g_amit's avatar
Level 2
13 years ago

How to perform restore from a media server (which did not backed up the original data)


I'm working on Netbackup 7.1 on W2K8-x64 R2 host. I want to restore the data from a media server who actaully have not written the backup image/data? Is there any way to do so?

My case here is assume I've two media servers M1 & M2. I've configured basic disk storage unit on these two media servers. Now I've taken a backup of a data and it is getting stored on disk storage unit residing on Media server M1.Backup is successful. Now I want to restore the same data but using media server M2. My question is how to do this?

I tried using bprestore -disk_media_server <M2> but it restored using M1 only.

C:\Program Files\Veritas\NetBackup\bin>bprestore.exe -C <soruce client> -S <Master server> -p <Policy Name> -disk_media_server <M2>  -s 03/14/2012 4:00:00 -e 03/14/2012 04:30:00 C:\hi.txt

  Here restore worked successfully but it restored using media server 'M1' only. Activity monitor > Job details showed the same media server 'M1'.

Can anyone help me to restore the data using a media server who did not write the backup image originally?




5 Replies

  • So, the disk storage where the backup image resides is attached and mounted on M1, right? 

    The way I see it, only M1 can restore this data.

    If you present the disk to M2, you will probably have to import the images, or else use bpimage to change image ownership - see this post for details:

  • Be aware!


    Henrik's solution will cause ALL restores to use M2!

    Note: The media server override applies to all storage units on the overridden media server. This means restores for any storage unit on the "fromhost" will go to the "tohost."


    I normally use the change ownership method, since that will only effect the image I changed.

    - but since you have disk storage, is it accessable through M2?