Forum Discussion

quebek's avatar
3 years ago

how to replicate backup image from one NBU domain to the other?


I am having a question on how to replicate a backup image which was written initially to tape, than duplicated to MSDP - no SLP was used to create this one - from one NBU domain to the other.

On source domain once this backup was duplicate from tape to MSDP - I did manage to replicate it to remote NBU domain - but there it did fail with the following:

 Error bpimport (pid=8515) Import of replica image, backup id server_1451935436, Import failed because the imported image data class is different than the SLP data class.

 Do you have any ideas? 

The problem I am facing is that this backup image was written to LTO3 media type, on new domain there is only LTO7 so can't import it there - and we can't connect old library to new server due to SCSI interface being not available on new one. So I though I will duplicate it to MSDP on old one and form there will replicate to remote new domain. But it does fail on import step...

  • How do you replicate the backup image from one MSDP to the Other?

    • quebek's avatar


      Well I did create a 'fake' SLP which goes like this on source:

      Name: OLD_2_NEW
      Data Classification: Platinum
      Duplication Job Priority: 0
      State: active
      Version: 0
      Operation 1 Use for: 0 (backup)
      Storage: stu_disk_mspdserver
      Volume Pool: (none specified)
      Server Group: (none specified)
      Retention Type: 0 (Fixed)
      Retention Level: 3 (1 month)
      Alternate Read Server: (none specified)
      Preserve Multiplexing: false
      Enable Automatic Remote Import: true
      State: active
      Source: 0 (client)
      Operation ID: (none specified)
      Operation Index: 1
      Window Name: --
      Window Close Option: --
      Deferred Duplication: no
      Operation 2 Use for: 3 (replication to remote master)
      Storage: *Remote*Master*:OLD_2_NEW
      Volume Pool: (none specified)
      Server Group: (none specified)
      Retention Type: 0 (Fixed)
      Retention Level: 8 (1 year)
      Alternate Read Server: (none specified)
      Preserve Multiplexing: false
      Enable Automatic Remote Import: false
      State: active
      Source: Operation 1 (backup:stu_disk_mspdserver)
      Operation ID: (none specified)
      Operation Index: 2
      Target Master Server: newmspdserver
      Target Import SLP: OLD_2_NEW
      Source Volume(Server:Type:Volume): "mspdserver:PureDisk:PureDiskVolume"
      --> Target Volume: "newmspdserver:PureDisk:PureDiskVolume"
      Window Name: Default_24x7_Window
      Window Close Option: SFN
      Deferred Duplication: no


      And like that on target:

      Name: OLD_2_NEW
      Data Classification: Platinum
      Duplication Job Priority: 0
      State: active
      Version: 0
      Operation 1 Use for: 4 (import)
      Import Priority: -1
      Storage: stu_disk_newmsdpserver
      Volume Pool: (none specified)
      Server Group: (none specified)
      Retention Type: 3 (Remote (Imported) Expiration Date)
      Retention Level: Not Used (remote expiration)
      Alternate Read Server: (none specified)
      Preserve Multiplexing: false
      Enable Automatic Remote Import: false
      State: active
      Source: 0 (client)
      Operation ID: (none specified)
      Operation Index: 1
      Window Name: Default_24x7_Window
      Window Close Option: SFN
      Deferred Duplication: no

      Ofc trust was established prior that...

      Than I did find my current MSPD backup images on oldmspdserver and replicated these to new domain with this command:

      nbreplicate -Bidfile bidfile2 -cn 2 -rcn 101 -slp_name OLD_2_NEW -target_sts newmsdpserver

      so this worked for SLP made backup images (well then the -cn was =1)... but these ones I duplicated to MSPD did fail as these were not using SLP when were created... thus cn=2 as this was secondary copy on msdp.

  • I have not tried to replicate existing images, but it is at my todo list.

    try to use -rcn 102  or not use at all the -rcn ,the -slp_name and -target_sts (I suppose that you have only two masters)
    I also suppose that new backups are replicated successfully using AIR
    check these links:

  • Hi

    I did try without -rcn and without -slp_name and -target_sts but it did fail after 2,5h of replication on source with 227 EC... earlier tries - the replication on source was successful but the import on target did fail...

    any other ideas?

  • Well I do speak under correction - after checking the target domain I did see one of these images included in bidfile :)

    next challenge was to extend the retention period as it was already expired... but I did manage... Now this backup image is being duplicated to tape on LTO7 on new domain ;) and I am fighting with the other backup images... again run the replication...

  • why dont you  manually duplicate the image to the remote storage and import the manually on remote server?

    • quebek's avatar
      What do you mean by manually? Am not i doing it manually?
  • you are using nbreplicate and providing slp parameter thereby puttign it under slp control

    have you tried by GUI >>Catalog>>search the image >> right click and follow Duplication steps with remote stu?

    once done, perform manual image import on remote site


    • Michal_Mikulik1's avatar

      Azhar4 I believe you cannot duplicate to remote stu from GUI\Catalog. Actually this thread is about a replication, not duplication.

      quebek if I understand correctly, it is already resolved? From your nbstl output, I cannot comfortably indicate if the target SLP conform to AIR requirements (see Dedup Guide SLP AIR chapter).



      • davidmoline's avatar
        Level 6

        Hi quebek 

        The original error relates to the data classification settings. On the source there is none, but you are trying to change it on the target side - remove the data classification tag from the import SLP and try again. 


    • davidmoline's avatar
      Level 6

      Hi Azhar4 

      Using the GUI it is not possible to select an SLP as a duplication target (it would be a nice feature though) and remote STU's are definitely not available locally. 
