Forum Discussion

tarmizi's avatar
Level 5
9 years ago

How to stop a replication job?

Hi all, At my customer site, I noticed that is a replication job from side A to side B that been running since 9/22/ there any way to stop this replication job as it did not stop even after I tried to Cancel job. Here are the job status...: 9/22/2015 8:10:24 AM - Info nbreplicate(pid=14388) Suspend window close behavior is not supported for nbreplicate 9/22/2015 8:10:24 AM - Info nbreplicate(pid=14388) window close behavior: Continue processing the current image 9/22/2015 8:10:24 AM - requesting resource LCM_*Remote*Master*:xxx_import 9/22/2015 8:10:24 AM - granted resource LCM_*Remote*Master*:xxx_import 9/22/2015 8:10:24 AM - started process RUNCMD (14388) 9/22/2015 8:10:36 AM - requesting resource @aaaak 9/22/2015 8:10:36 AM - reserving resource @aaaak 9/22/2015 8:10:37 AM - reserved resource @aaaak 9/22/2015 8:10:37 AM - granted resource MediaID=@aaaak;DiskVolume=PureDiskVolume;DiskPool=dp_disk_msxxx;Path=PureDiskVolume;StorageServer=msxxx;MediaServer=msxxx 9/22/2015 8:15:22 AM - Info bpdm(pid=134413) started 9/22/2015 8:15:22 AM - started process bpdm (134413) 9/22/2015 8:15:25 AM - Info msxxx(pid=134413) StorageServer=PureDisk:msxxxx; Report=PDDO Stats for (msxxxx): scanned: 4 KB, CR sent: 0 KB, CR sent over FC: 0 KB, dedup: 100.0%, cache disabled 9/22/2015 8:15:31 AM - Info msxxx (pid=134413) Using OpenStorage to replicate backup id msfxxx_1442829619, media id @aaaak, storage server msxxxx, disk volume PureDiskVolume 9/22/2015 8:15:31 AM - Info msxxxx(pid=134413) Replicating images to target storage server msxxxx, disk volume PureDiskVolume 9/22/2015 4:00:10 PM - Info nbreplicate(pid=14388) SLP window closed at 09/22/2015 16:00:10, window close behavior: Continue processing the current image Thank you

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