Forum Discussion

chab09's avatar
Level 3
12 years ago

ImageCleanup Not Running on Catalog Backups Causing Error 129


We are having an issue with our Catalog Backups that I am hoping somebody can shed some light into.

When the disk usage of our catalog backups reach the high-water mark, it is my understanding that an ImageCleanup automatically runs that brings the disk usage back to the low-water mark.

We are using ~13GB/day for the catalog backup. The available storage is 100GB.

Our high-water mark is currently set to 90%, and the low-water mark is set to 60%. Our retention time is set to 4 days.

However, once the disk usage for our catalog passes the 90% mark, an imageCleanup is not running; therefore, once the storage is full, the backup fails with error code 129. We then have to manually remove the images at the Unix level.



  • Could you be hitting this issue?

    NetBackup backup images on disk have reached the expiration date but do not expire. Catalog backup is failing with Status Code 129.

    Resolution is to find the rogue bpdbm cleanup process and kill it - stop NetBackup, make sure there aren't any bpdbms hanging around, then restart NetBackup and manually start a cleanup:

    # bpimage -cleanup -allclients

4 Replies

  • manually remove the images at the Unix level.

    you are NEVER suppose to do this, any images in Disk storage unit should be removed ( expired) through Netbackup.

    if you remove directly in unix level, it will cause your Netbackup DB consistancy issues..


    when you say Image clean-up is not running what excaclly happening?

     images clean-up jobs are not at all starting or they are failing?

    are you using disk staging storage unit( DSSU),

    if NO, there is no use of Low water mark, and  images will expire based on expire date , not when reached the high water mark

    if YES,how your duplication jobs are going? are they getting successfull?



    I am sure , 4 days retenction for  catalog backup is not a good practise.





  • Totally agree with Nagalla - NBU needs to expire and cleanup backup images!

    You now have a whole lot of NBU catalog info for which NBU believes valid backups exist and can be restored! surprise

    As pointed out by Nagalla, DSU high and low water marks are only relevant if backups are successfully duplicated to other storage, such as tape.

    If you have not configured staging, the water marks have no effect (explained in NBU Admin Guide I).

    Please let us know which NBU version exactly - Staging and cleanup behaviour is different across NBU versions.


  • Hello,

    Thank you for your reply.

    The image cleanup is not starting at all.

    We are not using DSSU for the catalog, so as you mentioned images should be expiring based on the expiry date.

    We are also storing the catalog backup to tape, and the tape has a 2-week retention period.

    We are using NBU 7.5

  • Could you be hitting this issue?

    NetBackup backup images on disk have reached the expiration date but do not expire. Catalog backup is failing with Status Code 129.

    Resolution is to find the rogue bpdbm cleanup process and kill it - stop NetBackup, make sure there aren't any bpdbms hanging around, then restart NetBackup and manually start a cleanup:

    # bpimage -cleanup -allclients