Forum Discussion

alexander_vasqu's avatar
15 years ago

Individual File/Folder Restores Using VCB

The Issue:
I'm attempting to do aVMware file/folder restore of some backups that I had performed.  I'm attempting to do a 2 stage restore, where I restore the data to a server with the netbackup client installed on it and then copy the files over to the appropriate vm.

11/4/2009 3:10:49 PM - begin Restore
11/4/2009 3:10:51 PM - restoring image
11/4/2009 3:10:51 PM - requesting resource @aaaaJ
11/4/2009 3:10:51 PM - granted resource MediaID=@aaaaJ;DiskVolume=lsu_nbdd02;DiskPool=lsu_nbdd02_dp;Path=lsu_nbdd02;StorageServer=nbdd02;MediaServer=bkupcorp01
11/4/2009 3:10:56 PM - started process bpdm (3664)
11/4/2009 3:11:00 PM - started process bpdm (3728)
11/4/2009 3:11:03 PM - begin reading
11/4/2009 3:11:05 PM - end reading; read time: 00:00:02
11/4/2009 3:11:05 PM - begin reading
11/4/2009 3:11:14 PM - end reading; read time: 00:00:09
11/4/2009 3:11:13 PM - connecting
11/4/2009 3:11:16 PM - connected; connect time: 00:00:03
11/4/2009 3:11:16 PM - started process bptm (2036)
11/4/2009 3:11:18 PM - started process bptm (916)
11/4/2009 3:11:20 PM - Error bptm(pid=2036) NBJM returned an extended error status: resource request failed (800)  
11/4/2009 3:11:22 PM - restored image - (the restore failed to recover the requested files(5)); restore time 00:00:31
11/4/2009 3:11:18 PM - requesting resource Any
11/4/2009 3:11:19 PM - Error nbjm(pid=4136) NBU status: 800, EMM status: Job type is invalid   
11/4/2009 3:11:19 PM - Error nbjm(pid=4136) NBU status: 800, EMM status: Job type is invalid   
11/4/2009 3:11:22 PM - end Restore; elapsed time: 00:00:33
the restore failed to recover the requested files(5)
11/4/2009 3:11:26 PM - Error bpbrm(pid=1932) client restore EXIT STATUS 252: extended error status has been encountered, check logs

Our setup.

Master Server
OS: win 2003 64bit

Netbackup VMware Proxy:
OS: Win 2003

The policy was configured as: Flashbackup-Windows
I used option 0 and option 2 for different backups.

What I've tried

I've tried restoring files to the Netbackup proxy server and that failed.  I tried restoring to another random system with a netbackup client and that, too, failed.

I checked to make sure the mount point is correct and it shows up like so: E:\mnt

Any help is appreciated.
  • Hi Alexander
    You've been VERY quiet since you submitted your post. From your post it is clear that you are using Advanced Disk.
    I believe that TechNote is therefore very relevant:
    BUG REPORT: Restores of FlashBackup images written to an AdvancedDisk, SharedDisk, PureDisk or OpenStorage disk pool fail with status code 252 and status code 800 reported.

7 Replies

  •  on both site check 
    bpclntcmd -hn Hostname
    bpclntcmd -ip IP_Address
    bpclntcmd -pn

    I thought there is some connectivity issue
  • There is no connectivity issue here:
    11/4/2009 3:11:13 PM - connecting
    11/4/2009 3:11:16 PM - connected; connect time: 00:00:03

    The job failed with status 800:
    NBJM returned an extended error status: resource request failed (800)
    NBU status: 800, EMM status: Job type is invalid

    Have a look at this TechNote:

    What is your NetBackup version? According to this TechNote the problem is fixed in 6.5.4.
  • What credentials is the Netbackup client using for the restore?.

    In the back of my mind I remember something about you needing to have the client running as the local Administrator account and NOT run as local System for a redirected VM restore to work.

    Might be a red-herring as Error 800 normally means totally different issues.


  • If your using 6.5.4 you should use option 3 which is a FullVM and file for incremental and backs up all the info "VMDK and FILE" in one pass of the VMDK.

    The machine you restore to must have the Netbackup Client on.

  • Hi Alexander
    You've been VERY quiet since you submitted your post. From your post it is clear that you are using Advanced Disk.
    I believe that TechNote is therefore very relevant:
    BUG REPORT: Restores of FlashBackup images written to an AdvancedDisk, SharedDisk, PureDisk or OpenStorage disk pool fail with status code 252 and status code 800 reported.